Travis County Commissioners Court spending for May 20, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014 by
Austin Monitor
Here is a detailed look at how much money Commissioners spent this week:
· Approved purchase of an Agilent 7697A Headspace Autosampler/7890Bb Gas Chromatograph (HS/GC) System from Agilent Technologies for $64,871.15.
· Approved change order No. 3 to contract with RJ Rivera Associates, Inc., for Circle Drive/US 290 intersection improvements design for $21,092.00.
· Approved modification No. 16 to Interlocal Agreement, Austin Travis County Integral Care for system of care services for $704,553.00.
· Approved contract award for disaster pouches/body bags and autopsy gowns, to the low bidder Salam International, Inc. for $22,874.70
· Approved contract award for Hunters Bend Road sidewalk improvements project to the lowest bidder, Ceda-Tex Services, Inc. for $118,120.78.
· Approved Interlocal Agreement with Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) to provide air quality services for $22,100.00
· Approved Modification No. 1 to contract with Organics by Gosh for topdressing material for $23,835.00.
· Approved payment to United Health Care for claims paid for participants in the Travis County Employee Health Care Fund for $1,596,258.02.
· Approved contract with Erika J. Canales, Ph.D., to provide medical evaluations, assessments and therapy services. (Cost undetermined; total amount will depend on amount of work billed.)
Travis County Commissions spent a total of $2,573,704.65 at Tuesday’s meeting..
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