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Photo by John Flynn

Austin starts search for next city manager

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 by Nina Hernandez

The search for Austin’s next city manager is underway.

In a post to the City Council Message Board on Thursday, Mayor Kirk Watson outlined a process for the search. Watson has appointed a sub-quorum of Council to act as a search committee, which includes Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis and Council members Vanessa Fuentes, Chito Vela, and Leslie Pool.

Watson’s outline suggests releasing a request for proposal for a search firm by the end of July. However, Watson told Council members in his message board post that the dates in the outline are merely suggestions.

“(The schedule) is meant to be general to allow for flexibility,” Watson wrote. “It sets a target for a new manager to start on September 1, 2024. (That) is only a target.”

The tentative schedule projects Council would select the search firm in August or September as it works on completing its budget hearings. The search firm would spend the fall developing a candidate profile, recruiting candidates and launching a community outreach program.

Watson stressed that Council won’t rush the process. “We all want to be thoughtful, and there’s no need to rush to a decision if, at the time, we feel we want more time,” he wrote. “This is too important of a decision.”

Council voted to fire the city’s last chief executive, Spencer Cronk, in February, following fierce criticism of his leadership during that month’s ice storm. In particular, Watson and Council members blamed Cronk for botched communications that left thousands of Austinites unsure when power would be restored.

As part of the dustup, Austin Energy General Manager Jackie Sargent, who also faced widespread criticism during and after the ice storm, stepped down. Earlier this month, interim City Manager Jesús Garza appointed Bob Kahn to fill the position.

When Council voted to fire Cronk, members agreed to pay a severance package that totaled $463,000. That included a year’s salary, health care and vacation payouts.

Before being named city manager in Austin, Cronk acted as city coordinator of Minneapolis. He also has previously worked under then-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The 2017 search that led to the hiring of Cronk became a controversial spectacle for the previous Council. Based on advice from the search firm, Council members agreed to keep secret the names of the initial slate of six candidates in consideration. The Austin American-Statesman responded by sending journalists to stake out the private interviews.

Council members left the location where the interviews had initially been scheduled to take place, in an attempt to keep private the candidates’ identities. Eventually, after being sued, Council relented and released the names.

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