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Langmore appointed to Austin Transit Partnership board of directors

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 by Nina Hernandez

The Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board of Directors last week voted to appoint John Langmore to serve as the community expert director of finance on the Austin Transit Partnership’s board of directors.

The Austin Transit Partnership is the entity tasked with implementing Project Connect. The nominating committee consisted of Board members Matt Harriss, Paige Ellis, Leslie Pool and Eric Stratton. It convened at the end of May and into early June to conduct a series of interviews with potential candidates. Of those candidates, the nominating committee recommended Langmore.

At its July 24 meeting, the board voted to approve the resolution unanimously. Langmore’s first meeting in the new role will be on Aug. 23. The term will run through January 2025.

Langmore is a well-known figure in the regional transportation community. He has been in the field for 34 years, is a former chair of the Capital Metro board and was selected in 2018 to represent Travis County on the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority Board of Directors.

In the new position, Langmore will serve as board liaison for the Finance and Risk Advisory Committee, which advises Austin Transit Partnership staff and the board on matters regarding capital management, risk management, budgets, insurance, treasury management, internal audits, procurement, grants management and real estate. Langmore is a prior member of the Finance and Risk Advisory Committee.

Veronica Castro de Barrera, chair of the Austin Transit Partnership board, celebrated the appointment in a Monday afternoon news release.

“We are pleased to have John bring his expertise and passion to ATP’s Board of Directors,” Castro de Barrera said in a statement. “His professional background and qualifications will help the board provide leadership, guidance and accountability as ATP works to successfully implement this first phase of Austin Light Rail.”

The release noted that Langmore will bring to Austin Transit Partnership “more than a decade of experience as a transportation and land use consultant assisting in the financing of roadway projects and advising some of the country’s largest infrastructure projects.”

Langmore is currently an attorney and financial adviser working for the Johnson Family Office. He also served as the 2017 vice chair and 2023 chair of the Travis County Citizens Bond Advisory Committee.

Langmore’s appointment to the entity charged with implementing Project Connect comes as the city considers scaled-back service map designs due to cost constraints. The five options for light rail through downtown Austin feature shorter routes and represent a substantial departure from the initial plans approved by voters in 2020.

The appointment also comes just weeks after the Texas Legislature failed to pass a bill aimed at squelching the expansion. An early version of Republican state Rep. Ellen Troxclair’s House Bill 3899 would have required Austin Transit Partnership to hold an election before it could issue the bonds and loans needed to start construction. Mayor Kirk Watson said at the time that the city would remain “vigilant” to any further obstruction efforts.

Photo by Zeebra D’Angelo made available through a Creative Commons license.

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