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TipSheet: Austin City Council, 11.9.23

Thursday, November 9, 2023 by Elizabeth Pagano

Greetings and welcome to another round of Austin City Council. As usual, we’ve rounded up the most-likely-to-be-interesting parts of today’s agenda, but the whole thing is online for those who would prefer to make up their own minds.

Among other things, Council will consider the purchase of the downtown Salvation Army property. The building was home to a women’s shelter until recently, when the Salvation Army suddenly announced plans to shut it down. Since then, the city has negotiated a lease to keep the shelter in operation, and this purchase would enshrine that step for about $15 million.

In Zilker news, Council is set to move forward with the Barton Springs Bathhouse rehabilitation for about $18 million and the Sunken Gardens for about $850,000. The bathhouse renovation has long been in the works, and promises to restore the historic structure to its former glory. And the Sunken Gardens project will remedy a severe erosion problem that is threatening critical salamander habitat, a pedestrian bridge and historic masonry walls.

Passive snoops might want to check out the audits on the docket for next year. Council will vote on approving the 2024 audit plan, which currently has newly proposed audits that include the license plate reader program, public safety recruitment and aviation risk assessment.

Speaking of aviation risk assessment, Council Member Vanessa Fuentes has a new resolution that will ensure that Council is in the loop when there are dangerous near misses at the airport and will implement a ramp-control system, among other safety measures.

As part of the Water Forward plan that stresses water conservation, the city was planning to adopt an amendment to the city’s development code that would require on-site water reuse and more reclaimed water in new development. That’s still the plan, but Council will vote on whether to push implementation to March 2024 due to concerns about affordability.

In reaction to Proposition 2 passing on Tuesday, Council will also vote on a resolution that allows eligible child care facilities to be exempt from the city’s property tax and looks at ways for home-based child care providers to do the same.

In a huge step last week, Council eliminated parking requirements in the city. In a much smaller step, they will today consider new mandates for bike parking. The new rules will require 10 percent of the number of parking spaces included in new projects. 

And, in zoning, we’re checking out this historic zoning case that didn’t impress the Planning Commission.

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