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Stories by Alex Dropkin

Audit calls Public Library’s equity into question

Despite not having a formal definition of “equity” available to the public, the Austin Public Library insists that it uses equity as a guiding principle in all decisions. The city’s public library system challenged a report presented last week at…

Report: Drivers delayed 26 million vehicle hours

If you think you are spending a lot of time sitting on Austin’s roads going nowhere, you are right. In fact, you are contributing to the city’s 26 million vehicle-hours a year of traffic delays, according to a Texas A&M…

APD Communications hard-pressed to handle calls

As the Austin metropolitan area population grows over the next couple of decades, officials say city services will be hard-pressed to keep up with the demand. But that future is now for Austin Police Department’s Emergency Communication Division, whose leaders…

District 9 challenger says no to rail proposition

Erin McGann, a challenger to two current City Council members vying for the District 9 position, made her stance clear as early as possible on Monday night. The forum in the Ballot Boxing series was sponsored by the Monitor with partners KUT,…

LCRA approves Water Plan changes and reservoir

The Lower Colorado River Authority’s board members unanimously voted to accept several key amendments to their its 2012 Water Management Plan Wednesday. The board also voted to build the LCRA’s first new reservoir since the 1940s. The vote was the…

Committee seeks to create zero emissions plan

A recent study by climate scientists predicts dire consequences for the Austin region if it does not act to cut greenhouse gas emissions significantly over the next 20 to 30 years. The National Climate Assessment says temperatures in Central Texas…

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Events ordinance draws criticism

The Austin Center for Events unveiled its revised version of the city’s special event ordinance in front of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission on Wednesday night, drawing both praise and criticism for its new waste management policies. The proposed ordinance…

Few changes as aquifer board OKs SH45 SW comments

The Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District board approved its staff’s written comments on the State Highway 45 Southwest draft Environmental Impact Statement on Tuesday night amid heated discussion over the district’s role in future iterations of the project. Though…

Revenue shortfall creates budget worries for aquifer district

Revenue is down for the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District and its board members are starting to worry. The members expressed concerns at Thursday night’s meeting as they approved the fiscal year 2015 budget, citing a revenue loss of…

Supporters jam hearing on SH45 SW environmental impact statement

Supporters of the State Highway 45 Southwest toll road project showed up in the of hundreds Tuesday night at a Texas Department of Transportation public hearing on the project’s draft environmental impact statement. While vocal opponents of the project –…

Aquifer district staff critical of SH45 SW environmental study

The staff of the Barton Springs Edwards Aquifer Conservation District is expressing strong doubts about the science and data behind a proposed environmental impact statement for State Highway 45 Southwest. In their review, district staff calls the information in the…

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