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Stories by Courtney Griffin
Central Texas not drought-free yet
Staff with the Lower Colorado River Authority may have breathed a sigh of relief after May’s record-breaking rainfalls, but they’re not considering the area drought-free just yet. At the LCRA meeting Wednesday, experts provided an overview of possible weather expectations for the next…
Water • By Courtney Griffin • Jun 25, 2015
Springdale Farm conflict moves to AISD
A dispute that was seemingly settled by the Planning Commission made its way to the Austin Independent School District on Monday night after residents surrounding Springdale Farm proactively reached out to trustees during public comment. Springdale Farm, a 5-acre farm located…
Austin • By Courtney Griffin • Jun 24, 2015
AISD stalls on employee raises
Austin Independent School District board members heard better budgeting news Monday but still could not come to an agreement on employee raises. The wrong decision could mean “draconian” cuts in future years. Chief Financial Officer Nicole Conley presented board members…
AISD • By Courtney Griffin • Jun 17, 2015
CapMetro committee reviews split contracts
Capital Metro’s Operations, Planning and Safety Committee reviewed two major, multimillion-dollar contracts Monday for area rail lines that could increase revenue for the transportation entity. Melvin Clark, vice president of rail operations, said his staff reconfigured contractors’ responsibilities this year…
Transit • By Courtney Griffin • Jun 11, 2015
Hyde Park area residents point to flooding causes
Flood maps in hand, several Hyde Park area residents pointed to poorly designed sewer drains and a blocked retention pond pipe as major contributing factors to the area’s Memorial Day flooding. Tanya Quinn and Mary Ingle, who live near the…
Austin • By Courtney Griffin • Jun 9, 2015
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Board says no to SH45 SW
Austin’s Environmental Board is giving City Council a clear message: The State Highway 45 Southwest road project should not move forward. At the board’s regular meeting Wednesday, members passed a motion declaring that they “(did) not support the building of…
City Hall • By Courtney Griffin • Jun 8, 2015
AISD land purchase deemed reasonable
The Austin Independent School District board of trustees heard advice from a real estate expert Monday regarding future property purchases, including the potential purchase of land for a new south Austin high school. Board members vowed to make a decision…
AISD • By Courtney Griffin • Jun 2, 2015
CapMetro awards $256 million contract
The Capital Metro board of trustees decided at its regular meeting to swap service contractors for a portion of its bus routes Wednesday, despite employee concerns. Board members unanimously approved a $256 million contract with Dallas-based MV Transportation that could…
Transit • By Courtney Griffin • May 29, 2015
Affordable housing bans smoking, possibly truancy
Board commissioners with the Housing Authority of the City of Austin approved a motion Thursday that will change the leasing requirements for its public housing tenants. Now, if residents are caught smoking more than four times in non-designated areas, they will…
Austin • By Courtney Griffin • May 27, 2015
AISD educators ask for $24 million more
Employees from every area of the Austin Independent School District asked for higher wages Monday night. The most popular request came with a $24.5 million price tag. As in past meetings, Education Austin, an AISD teachers union, continued to advocate for an across-the-board 5…
AISD • By Courtney Griffin • May 22, 2015
AISD lunches lead to plea for information
A consent-agenda item to increase school lunch prices held larger implications Monday as the Austin Independent School District strained against projected budget shortfalls in the upcoming year. At their regular meeting, members of the AISD board of trustees agreed to…