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Stories by Elizabeth Pagano

Will Austin really be the next single-staircase city?

City staff is pushing back on a proposal to allow single stairways for multifamily buildings. City Council unanimously approved a resolution to amend the code and allow multifamily projects up to six stories to have a single staircase in May.…

Planning Commission checks in on new density bonus program

At their most recent meeting, members of the Planning Commission took the temperature of the city’s newest density bonus program, which is designed to allow developers to build more in exchange for community benefits like affordable housing. The program, dubbed…

City launches free swim pilot program, eliminating fees at Walnut Creek Pool this summer

Austin is moving forward with a pilot program aimed at reducing pool fees as a way of increasing access this summer.  The city will eliminate fees entirely at Walnut Creek Pool in North Austin and offer two free days at…

St. Joseph Hall cleared for demolition on St. Ed's campus

Historic Landmark Commission members have given their unanimous blessing to the demolition of  St. Edward’s University’s St. Joseph Hall, despite its architectural significance and historic association with the Brothers of the Holy Cross. The hall, which stands at 3001 S.…

At massive Hill’s Cafe redevelopment, cottage demolition put on hold

Pieces continue to fall into place for a planned mixed-use development at the former site of Hill’s Cafe, though Historic Landmark Commission members put one of those pieces on hold at their most recent meeting in the hopes that a…

City’s historic preservation commission and code enforcement look to get in sync

After several recent cases that illustrated a divide between the city’s code enforcement policies and historic preservation aims, Historic Landmark Commission members are working to make sure things are more aligned and less hopelessly complicated for property owners who find…

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Condemned homes get a stay of demolition at landmark commission 

In an effort to sort out the complicated details, Historic Landmark Commission members have unanimously supported a delay on demolishing two East Austin homes that are both historic and condemned. Both homes, which were built around 1916, are Hofheinz houses,…

Following court ruling, Oak Springs project scrambles to get back on track

Planning Commission members unanimously recommended an Oak Springs Road zoning change that was temporarily thwarted by a court ruling – despite concerns at their most recent meeting about an abbreviated timeline from a neighborhood representative. In May 2023, developers submitted…

MetroBike to get a makeover this summer after a pause in operations

On July 1, the city’s bike rental program, MetroBike, will shut down in order to undergo a transformational change. When it reopens in mid-July, CapMetro Bikeshare will have new stations, e-bikes and an app, along with a vision to expand…

TipSheet: Austin City Council, 5.30.24

City Council will meet today for the last time before its summer break. Because the next meeting isn’t until July 18, one might expect the agenda to be overstuffed, but it’s really not that bad. As usual, we’ve done our…

Across Austin, Street Impact Fees are being collected but not yet spent

Though none of the money has been spent, two years of collecting Street Impact Fees has netted a potential $17 million in roadway capacity projects for Austin roads.  Curious members of the Downtown Commission got an update on the city’s…

Affordable housing complex competes for space with a church in Payton Gin zoning change

Planning Commission members have embraced an affordable housing project in North Austin despite concerns from the church it will replace. Developers plan to build a 100 percent affordable, six-story, 192-unit apartment complex at 1706 Payton Gin Road using the city’s…

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