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Stories by Sommer Brugal

Zoning and Platting remains unhappy with PUD ordinance

With Draft 3 of CodeNEXT currently under review, the Zoning and Platting Commission voted to send a letter to the mayor and City Council concerning the code’s failure to address problems with the city’s current system of planned unit developments.…

'Speed cushions' hit Health and Human Services Committee

Though the program that brings new speed cushions to Austin is currently in a holding pattern, the City Council Health and Human Services Committee received an update regarding traffic calming devices at its meeting last Wednesday afternoon. Chair Ora Houston…

smoot house

Will Smoot Terrace Park be a local historic district?

Old West Austin could be home to another local historic district, if a proposal for Smoot Terrace Park is approved by City Council. The district is located between West Sixth and Ninth streets, covering 17.5 acres of land along Highland…

baby on board sticker

Commission votes to expand Injury Prevention Program

In an effort to support the Austin-Travis County Emergency Medical Service’s efforts to reduce preventable injuries, the Public Safety Commission passed a motion to fund and expand the county’s Injury Prevention Program at its May 7 meeting. Lisa Sepulveda, Austin-Travis…

City Council approves plan to end homelessness

The rising concern surrounding homelessness and its growing numbers will receive greater attention and resources moving forward, now that City Council unanimously approved a resolution to endorse the city’s Action Plan to End Homelessness at its April 26 meeting. The…

Commission votes to allow residential buffer between neighborhood and small business development

At its April 17 meeting, the Zoning and Platting Commission approved a rezoning on Ferguson Lane and Sansom Road, despite strong urges to reject the proposal from the residents of Walnut Place Neighborhood Association. The agreed-upon motion includes a residential…

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Human Rights Commission talks density bonuses

Housing affordability in Austin as it relates to CodeNEXT was the center of attention at the Human Rights Commission meeting on Monday, June 26. On behalf of Austin Habitat for Humanity, Greg Anderson, the organization’s director of operations, presented a…

New proposal connects residents to transit corridors via parklands

Austin residents are calling for a more compact and connected city. Thanks to a proposed strategy to reimagine the use of parklands around the city, Sustainable Neighborhoods might have the solution residents are seeking. Steve Zettner of Sustainable Neighborhoods presented…

Study offers a window into the lives of recyclers

Members of the Zero Waste Advisory Commission embraced the results of a six-month study intended to reveal the recycling habits of Austinites at their most recent meeting. Emlea Chanslor, Austin Resource Recovery public information officer, presented the study’s results. She…

Austin residents push for more aggressive energy goal

A number of concerned citizens gathered to speak at the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee meeting Monday morning to express their frustration with Austin Energy’s updated Resource, Generation, and Climate Protection Plan. While the updated plan, which was written by…

Animal Advisory Commission weighs Monk parakeet deal

Austin’s population of Monk parakeets has garnered a lot of attention over the past few weeks, with some questioning Austin Energy’s policy for removing the birds’ nests from power lines and utility structures in town. The Animal Advisory Commission heard…

SH 45 SW continues to move forward

The Barton Springs/Edwards Aquifer Conservation District Board of Directors was informed of various updates to State Highway 45 Southwest at its regular meeting May 25. The high-profile transportation project, which hopes to improve mobility for the northern Hays and southern…

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