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City Council

Peoples Plan Rally

Council votes to move ahead with People's Plan to combat displacement

City Council’s push to address the area’s rising cost of living could soon include components of a plan put forward by a coalition of community groups to prevent low-income residents from being priced out of Austin. At last week’s meeting,…

Council rejects attempt to remove Planning commissioners

Following an occasionally heated debate, City Council voted down a proposal Thursday that would have declared the current membership of the Planning Commission to be in violation of the city charter. At issue is a provision of the charter, approved…

Municipal Court move to Met Center OK'd

Although Council Member Ora Houston made numerous arguments against a 120-month lease for Austin’s Municipal Court at the Met Center in Southeast Austin, only Council Member Pio Renteria joined her during Thursday’s Council meeting in voting against authorizing city staff…

Who has a 'direct or indirect interest' in real estate? It depends who you ask

City Council appears divided over what do about a provision of the city charter that requires two-thirds of the members of the Planning Commission to be “lay members” who are not “directly or indirectly connected with real estate or land…

City Council approves plan to end homelessness

The rising concern surrounding homelessness and its growing numbers will receive greater attention and resources moving forward, now that City Council unanimously approved a resolution to endorse the city’s Action Plan to End Homelessness at its April 26 meeting. The…

Council takes no action on Planning Commission

Faced with no easy or painless options, City Council members decided late Thursday night to put off considering how to get out of their predicament of a development-heavy Planning Commission and a desire to get through the rewrite of the…

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Two Confederate street names dropped

After an outpouring of commentary from the community – most of it positive – Council voted unanimously on Thursday to rename two city streets after prominent African-American historical figures and shed the previous names, Robert E. Lee and Jeff Davis.…

Bird Dockless scooters

Despite hurt feelings, Council members embrace electric scooters

Rushing to respond to electric scooters that have taken over downtown, City Council will consider an ordinance on Thursday to establish rules regarding the increasingly popular devices. The proposed ordinance, drafted by city transportation staff, will allow the Transportation Department…

front of City Hall

Who's minding the store? Alter

With four people absent, today’s City Council meeting is scheduled to start late and end early. Council Member Alison Alter will chair the meeting, which will start at 11:30 a.m. Mayor Steve Adler, Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo and Council…

person with soccer ball

Council approves study of McKalla Place as soccer stadium site

City staff will spend the next two months studying if a city-owned parcel near the Domain could be a possible fit for a proposed professional soccer stadium. At Thursday’s meeting City Council members voted 9-0 to have the city manager…

police on bikes

Council debates police staffing

At the first City Council meeting following the end of the recent bombings, Council members spent nearly two hours debating a largely symbolic resolution about police staffing. Originally, explained Council Member Ellen Troxclair, the resolution was meant to simply convey…

soccer ball

City to study McKalla Place as home for soccer stadium

It appears city leaders want to move ahead with making a piece of city-owned land north of the downtown core available as the site for a possible soccer stadium. Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo has co-sponsored a resolution that will…

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