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Esperanza's hiatus underscores city's lack of shelter options for homeless campers

The staff at the Camp Esperanza site in Southeast Austin that is currently under construction to provide permanent small homes to formerly homeless residents acknowledge they will likely continue to receive visits from people they are unable to help for…

Austin Animal Center is restricting intake because its kennels are full

Austin Animal Center is temporarily restricting intake starting Tuesday because the shelter is over capacity. The city-owned animal shelter is urging people to help by fostering or adopting pets from the shelter. The shelter currently has more than 700 animals,…

Nearly half of homeless residents exit HEAL program without housing

Despite the city’s work to move those living in homeless encampments into permanent housing, nearly half of all temporary shelter inhabitants exit the system and return to homelessness. One hundred and two people – 48 percent of those moved into shelter…

Black dispossession study starts to quantify cost of city's 1928 master plan

The city’s 1928 master plan, which effectively legalized segregation in Austin and limited public services for Black residents to a newly created “Negro District” east of what is now Interstate 35, has cost Black homeowners in just five neighborhoods –…

Black Fund organizers unveil plans for grants with first $1M raised

A new fund aimed at helping Black-led organizations in Austin has raised its first $1 million, with plans to begin awarding the first block of grants totaling $350,000 early next year. The Black Fund is an effort organized by leaders…

Austin loses advocate for the environment and people

Jack Goodman, who worked to convince the Texas Legislature to create a conservation district to help protect Barton Springs and the Edwards Aquifer and then served on that district’s board for 22 years, died Aug. 24 after a lengthy illness.…

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Demand for skilled workers drives District 1 jobs training program

With job growth in Austin stronger than ever, and most analysts naming the region as one of the best job markets in the nation, Workforce Solutions Capital Area is trying to make traditionally underserved communities aware of the job training…

Proposal to audit animal shelter fuels debate about choice of auditor

Austin’s Animal Services Office, which runs the Austin Animal Center, will soon be audited, per a recent resolution approved by City Council. The Office of the City Auditor will report on the department’s effectiveness and bring in an expert on…

More public art is headed to the hike-and-bike trail

For the past several years, a moratorium has prevented the installment of any new public artworks in the vicinity of Austin’s hike-and-bike trail and Lady Bird Lake. With the expiration of that moratorium, the Trail Foundation, which has taken over…

Animal shelter workers demand better conditions in wake of vote of no confidence

The Animal Advisory Commission discussed improvements needed at the Austin Animal Center at its July 11 meeting. The discussion came after the commission’s vote of no confidence in AAC Director Don Bland on June 13. The meeting began with comments…

Notley/Monitor Poll: The data

In a poll commissioned by Notley for the Austin Monitor, Change Research surveyed 507 likely voters in Austin, Texas, from June 24-29, 2022. Over the course of the past week, we’ve published a series of stories examining the data. Now it’s anybody’s turn.…

City speeds up Live Music Fund for spring 2023 launch

The city has refined its process for rolling out awards for the $3 million Live Music Fund, with city staff preparing to begin dispersing funds to local musicians next spring. That change shaves roughly three months off the timeline for…

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