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Plans for expanded Convention Center laid out for Council committee

As design consultants laid out the plans for an expanded Austin Convention Center to members of the Economic Opportunity Committee on Monday, they emphasized the inability of the current center to accommodate a growing city with a growing roster of…

City to file suit, announces cooperation with TCAD

The city of Austin will file suit in state district court this afternoon against the Travis Central Appraisal District challenging what the city calls the undervaluation of commercial and vacant properties in the city of Austin and seeking a declaration…

Minus occupancy limits, new STR rules approved

City Council Member Don Zimmerman and Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo have finally found something they can agree on: The city’s current regulations of short-term rentals and their enforcement are, as Zimmerman put it at Thursday’s Council meeting, “a train…

Council permits additional entertainment at Springdale Farm

As more than one City Council member noted, the conclusion to a 5-acre farm’s appeal for more outdoor entertainment allowances had been a long time in the making. And on Thursday it ended in favor of the farm owners. With…

TCAD appraisal letter worries some citizens

Retired U.S. Air Force Technical Sgt. Henry Boothe was surprised and worried when he received a letter from the Travis Central Appraisal District in early August informing him that the city of Austin had filed an appeal of TCAD’s commercial…

Two groups disclaim anti-fluoride email

David Foster, state director of the environmental nonprofit group Clean Water Action, was surprised and somewhat concerned Tuesday when he received two emails from friends asking whether his organization was suddenly opposed to fluoridated drinking water. The Public Utilities Committee…

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How to change a street name in Austin? It's tricky.

The statue of Confederate President Jefferson Davis will stay put on the University of Texas at Austin campus, for now. While a request for a temporary restraining order is holding up the statue relocation, the original decision to move it…

Reporter's Notebook: Wild Wild West Sixth

Point taken… A briefing about the proposed Austin Police Department budget took an unusual turn Wednesday when City Council Member Don Zimmerman and APD Chief Art Acevedo got into a philosophical exchange about crime on Sixth Street. The debate took…

Austin Monitor Radio: Council Member Sheri Gallo

Austin City Council Member Sheri Gallo joins Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to talk about her first months in office, the Bull Creek tract, Austin Oaks PUD, and much more. Show is embedded below.

Council prohibits use of bullhooks on elephants

While several bullhooks were brought into City Council chambers as evidence Thursday – one even passed around on the dais – these instruments, used to train circus animals, will be prohibited from use on elephants within city limits starting in…

Council not likely to ban bullhooks this year

Based on a discussion at a work session on Tuesday, City Council is not likely to ban the use of the bullhook — a common elephant training tool — in circuses before Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey comes to…

Black business owners in Austin area outperform state

Despite Austin being the country’s only large, fast-growing city with a waning African-American population, businesses owned by black residents in the greater area appear to be outperforming those in the rest of the state. According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics…

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