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City lacks funding for pedestrian hybrid beacons

Transportation Department staff revealed that the city is out of funding for pedestrian hybrid beacons, leaving a backlog of more than 100 requests for beacons around the city. During the regular meeting of the Pedestrian Advisory Council, staff presented the…

Explainer: The Zucker Report marginalia

There was a lot of unveiling in the Zucker Report. We saw that a third-party analysis of the City of Austin’s Planning and Development Review Department did, indeed, show what appears as evidence of multiple divisions in shambles, as had…

Zucker Report released despite staff apprehension

After months of speculation, the City of Austin posted the draft Zucker Report on its website Thursday night. Last year, Zucker Systems performed an analysis of the Planning and Development Review Department, and while they did find “many exemplary features”…

Two committees to take up Decker Golf questions

After raising numerous questions about the deal it is being asked to approve for creation of two high-end golf courses at the Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park in far East Austin, City Council voted 9-1-1 Thursday to send those questions…

Council approves lower Onion Creek buyout

Many at-risk residents of the flood-prone lower Onion Creek area were relieved to learn Thursday, after more than a year of waiting, that the city will help them move away from the area most affected by the record-breaking Halloween 2013…

Council backs application for Obama Promise Zone

The Austin City Council threw its support behind an Obama administration initiative Thursday when it backed the city’s application to have a large tract of East Austin dubbed a “Promise Zone” by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.…

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Zimmerman: Fine Code Compliance for losing case

City Council Member Don Zimmerman has proposed a unique punishment for the city’s Code Compliance Department when it loses a case in Municipal Court: It will have to pay. Zimmerman, who has made no secret of his disdain for the…

Council vote on Decker Golf contract uncertain

At least four members of City Council expressed an interest Tuesday in sending the question of whether the city should enter into the contract for a developer to create two PGA-class golf courses at Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park to…

Council assesses potential Onion Creek buyout

While the Halloween 2013 flood continues to impact lives near Onion Creek, City Council will likely decide Thursday whether the city should chip in up to $60 million to help ensure that history does not repeat itself. Council members considered…

Explainer: Zim's bill on housing scoring heads to State Lege Council

The Explainer offers a closer look at stories we have been following. This week, Don Zimmerman’s ongoing effort to change the way federal housing subsidies are awarded. City Council Member Don Zimmerman has displayed a certain … distaste for subsidized…

Council considers health care for more employees

Though the City of Austin offers health coverage to most of its regular employees, City Council has kick-started a process that could lead to an expansion to all employees in the next fiscal year. Council voted Thursday to direct city…

Council votes for more study of Adler staff plan

On a 6-5 vote, City Council postponed action Thursday on Mayor Steve Adler’s plan to add five staffers to his office, sending the question to the Council’s Audit and Finance Committee. Those voting for the postponement included Mayor Pro Tem…

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