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Council takes small step in Garza case

Though they were only deciding one small detail of a decades-long fight over what was once the Garza Ranch, City Council members took hours to contemplate how many trips per day should be allowed on the last piece of land.…

Plans for Decker golf course divide Parks board

A proposed golf course split Austin’s Parks and Recreation board down the middle Wednesday night when members landed undecided on whether to recommend to City Council a 50-year license with Decker Golf LLC to build a high-end golf complex in…

Mayor foresees messy, but effective, City Council

Austin Mayor Steve Adler says in the wake of what he hopes will be a more efficient and more inclusive City Council, don’t be surprised if there’s a little mess. “We have conversations that are out for everyone to see.…

Council to continue July vacation tradition

Rejoice, city staffers. Your July vacation is probably safe — unless you are part of the budget staff. At Tuesday’s work session, City Council members agreed that they would continue the tradition of not scheduling meetings during July. Mayor Pro…

Parks to consider Decker Golf; Council may punt

Although consideration of an agreement with Decker Golf LLC is on this week’s City Council agenda, Mayor Steve Adler said Monday that staff would be requesting postponement of an item allowing a 50-year license agreement for construction of new PGA-style…

Professor lectures Adler on Austin government

Terrell Blodgett, professor emeritus at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, has written to Mayor Steve Adler and his City Council colleagues expressing concern about the mayor’s plan to add more staff for his office and lecturing him on the…

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Work on Fifth Street to continue through SXSW

Utility construction on Fifth Street will continue through South by Southwest, despite plans to the contrary. On Friday, Public Works Department Director Howard Lazarus sent a memo to city staff explaining the situation. Though work on the Fifth Street chilled…

Adler gives up on foundation funding for office staff

After hearing strong opposition from his colleagues as well as others, Mayor Steve Adler is proposing a complete revamp of his plan for additional staffing in the Mayor’s office. Adler told the Austin Monitor Thursday that he would be pulling…

Planners look at big picture and deny rezoning

After taking a look at the impact of similar businesses nearby, the Planning Commission shot down a South Austin rezoning request at its last meeting. The 0.85 acre lot is located at 4102 and 4200 Manchaca Road. Owner Mitchell Whiddon…

Council set to discuss committee logistics today

The Austin City Council will have an opportunity this afternoon to discuss and possibly vote on a proposed new Council schedule, including committees. Mayor Steve Adler’s Chief of Staff, John Michael Cortez, posted the proposal on the Council bulletin board…

ZAP shoots down variances for Far West parcel

The Zoning and Platting Commission took a hard stance against several requested environmental variances that would allow an Austin resident to build a 3,500-square-foot home on a steep slope at 4316 Far West Blvd. Property owner Ali Tabrizi sought to…

Council limits Spicewood Springs project footprint

City Council voted Thursday to approve a zoning change that would allow a new professional office building on Spicewood Springs Road. Council limited the size of the structure to 12,000 square feet, despite protests from the applicants. The vote was…

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