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The Code

Commission junks quick turnaround on department rule change

A proposed update to the city code that would change the way Austin Resource Recovery is run was definitively shot down by the Zero Waste Advisory Commission at its last meeting, but will be considered at this Thursday’s City Council meeting. The…

Board of Adjustment struggling with vacancies

Vacancies on the Board of Adjustment, coupled with a strict requirement for a supermajority vote in order to approve variances, are causing consternation among the members who have tried to address the problem. But one fix proposed by longtime Board…

Divided Board of Adjustment rejects site plan appeal

A divided Board of Adjustment on Wednesday rejected a site plan appeal organized by the Windsor Park Neighborhood Association related to the redevelopment of the Windsor Village shopping center at 5900 Westminster Drive. What was once a small shopping center…

Tree division seeks to make enviro manual more user-friendly

The Environmental Criteria Manual, a book of rules used to help implement the city’s Land Development Code, hasn’t had a significant update in the past decade. But best practices for urban forestry have changed since then, and the manual is…

A new Austin Energy rule aims to keep construction workers safe. It could also make homes harder to build.

In response to the death by electrocution of a construction worker and a subsequent lawsuit, Austin Energy has increased the minimum distance between power lines and new buildings, a regulation the utility says will keep workers safer. A jury in…

City issues first notices of intent to suspend in Repeat Offender Program

The city announced last week its first notices of intent to suspend in the Repeat Offender Program, which is designed to ensure that property owners or their agents keep their properties in compliance with Austin city code. The two properties…

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Environmental Commission says Public Works project 'flies in the face' of environmental regulations

In order to create easy access and support increased traffic headed to a new Habitat for Humanity development in Southeast Austin, the Public Works Department is working on constructing a road that crosses a “classified waterway.” Under city code, a…

'Shot clock' reviews hit Council's agenda

Under a looming deadline from the state, Council is set on Thursday to pass changes to the way the city reviews and approves subdivision development applications, despite the possibility of “unfortunate and unintended consequences,” in the words of Council Member…

City proposes new demolition rules

In response to an audit last year that identified a number of problems in the city’s demolition permitting process, the Development Services Department has recommended a number of changes aimed at streamlining the process and ensuring safety. The recommendations were…

front of City Hall

Council adopts new rules for subpoenas

On Thursday, City Council adopted regulations that make it clear that the Ethics Review Commission may not seek information identifying whistleblowers or other witnesses in complaints about city officials or employees. In addition, Council designated the Council Audit and Finance…

Committee fails to endorse lobbying rules changes

The City Council Audit and Finance Committee voted unanimously on Wednesday to forward changes to the anti-lobbying ordinance proposed by the city staff to the full Council, but did so without a recommendation. Three members of the committee, Mayor Pro…

Regret an ethics complaint? City may soon allow take-backs

On occasion, a complaint will come to the Ethics Review Commission only to be later followed by a request for withdrawal. However, according to current code, a request of this nature may not be honored. Concerned with the inability of plaintiffs…

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