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Council takes a step toward ending compatibility standards

City Council members on Thursday took their first major step toward making key changes to rules limiting the height of buildings near single-family homes on a citywide basis. Austin’s compatibility rules, which are among the strictest in the country, have…

Council gives initial approval to redevelopment of East Austin dairy plant 

A huge mixed-use development on the site of a Borden Dairy plant in East Austin’s Govalle neighborhood is nearing approval. City Council on Thursday voted on first reading in favor of a rezoning that would allow the project to advance.…

Council OKs getting rid of some occupancy limits

As expected, City Council on Thursday moved forward with a resolution from District 9 Council Member Zo Qadri directing city management to eliminate occupancy limits related to familial status within the city’s Land Development Code. The final vote was 9-1,…

1,200 housing units planned near Lakeline, pending zoning change

The Planning Commission on May 23 recommended allowing up to 1,200 housing units on the last 30 acres of undeveloped land in the 446-acre Leander Rehabilitation planned unit development, instead of office and commercial space as had previously been planned.…

City set to prioritize Colony Park planned unit development application

The Colony Park Sustainable Community planned unit development application process is underway. On Tuesday, City Council’s Housing and Planning Committee unanimously recommended the full Council initiate a streamlined application and rezoning process. “Colony Park represents one of our greatest opportunities…

City to ban unsafe fence designs

The city will soon prohibit unsafe fence designs, like those with spiked or widely spaced pickets, to reduce the risk of serious injury and death in humans and animals.   On Tuesday, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended City Council approve the…

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Housing and Planning Committee grapples with how to prioritize code amendments

Members of City Council’s Housing and Planning Committee grappled during a Tuesday briefing with how to best approach moving forward on a set of amendments to the city’s Land Development Code. The discussion occurred at the committee’s May 23 special…

Planning Commission supports rezoning for mixed-use development on East 12th

A new mixed-use development is in the works on East 12th Street. The Planning Commission on Tuesday recommended approval of a rezoning that would allow taller and denser buildings on two properties at 3117 and 3121 E. 12th St. Developer…

Brodie Oaks PUD wins second-round approval

City Council last week gave its blessing to the Brodie Oaks Redevelopment Planned Unit Development on second reading and set third reading for July 20. Council Member Ryan Alter, whose District 5 includes the sprawling shopping center, wrote on the…

Council approves code amendments to allow for future Butler Trail improvements

City Council passed a resolution last week to initiate a set of Land Development Code amendments that will allow for safety and mobility improvements to the Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail. The item passed on the consent…

Council votes to make it easier to build along highways

City Council voted Thursday to eliminate a section of the Land Development Code that governs development along highways, hoping the change will help add housing units in the city and “eliminate barriers to the creation of income-restricted units under established…

Planning Commission OKs housing in industrial area

The Planning Commission on Tuesday supported a rezoning that could bring apartments to an industrial area at the corner of Burleson Road and Montopolis Drive in Southeast Austin. The case concerns properties at 6300 and 6410 Burleson Road. One of…

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