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Planning Commission OKs height boost for Rainey tower amid resident pushback

The Planning Commission on April 11 recommended approval of a density bonus that would allow a new tower to rise in the Rainey Street neighborhood. The proposed 215-unit condominium tower at 62 East Ave. will rise 57 floors and 684…

The University of Texas says it will help low-income students pay for housing

University of Texas students whose families earn less than $125,000 a year may be able to get money to cover a portion of their on-campus rent for one academic year. University officials teased the new program in an op-ed in the Austin American–Statesman last…

Neighbors hope for midnight closing, no loud music at new bar on Guadalupe

City Council gave first reading approval last week for a zoning change for property at 3100 Guadalupe St. that would allow the owners to operate a cocktail lounge on the site after getting a conditional use permit to do so.…

Planning Commission proposes changes to compatibility

The Planning Commission Tuesday launched a proposal that would let single-family homeowners decide to allow taller buildings near them. The change to city code would let individual owners waive compatibility, a rule that limits the height of buildings near single-family homes…

Planning Commission moves to create new zoning category to allow more housing

The Planning Commission took a step on Tuesday to create a new zoning category that commissioners say would allow more housing to be built across the city. “We’re not building enough housing, and whatever we can do to change that…

City Council to consider reducing parking spots for bars

At today’s meeting, City Council will consider directing staff to amend the city’s land use regulations to reduce the parking requirements for bars and cocktail lounges. According to the resolution, Texas has seen an increase in arrests for driving while…

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ZAP supports another rezoning in fast-changing Matthews Lane Neighborhood

The Zoning and Platting Commission on Tuesday recommended rezoning a property in South Austin to allow more single-family homes despite opposition from neighbors who say they have been inundated with new development without the infrastructure to support it.  The site…

West Downtown on track to receive national historic status

Austin could soon welcome a brand-new historic district into the mix, with an application for the West Downtown National Register District lined up to get the rubber stamp next month. Located west of the Capitol between Seventh and 15th streets,…

ZAP opposes commercial rezoning on Anderson Mill

The Zoning and Platting Commission Tuesday recommended denying a rezoning for a North Austin property, with commissioners agreeing with city staffers that the requested commercial zoning would not be appropriate.  The 1-acre site at 9815 and 9817 Anderson Mill Road…

Planning Commission discusses whether city should preserve industrial areas

A case at the Planning Commission on March 28 sparked discussion about whether the city should try to preserve remaining industrial areas or encourage their redevelopment.  In question is a 13-acre property at 5010 Burleson Road in Southeast Austin. The…

Austin launches displacement prevention pilot program

Austin will soon have a network of displacement prevention organizers connecting vulnerable communities with the city programs and resources they need to stay in their homes and communities. The city announced the program’s launch on March 30, during a press…

Redevelopment of East Austin dairy plant gets Planning Commission approval

A dairy plant in East Austin could soon be redeveloped into a massive mixed-use project, pending the outcome of a zoning change request. Developer Endeavor Real Estate plans to build 1,400 multifamily units, a 220-room hotel, 411,500 square feet of…

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