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Planning Commission reverses city rejection of university-area site plan in an unusual case

The Planning Commission voted unanimously last week to reverse a decision by city planning staff to reject a site plan for a 142-unit student-oriented development at 2610 Hume Place, on appeal from the applicant, marking a rare use of the…

Resource, funding needs will delay South Shore cultural district until 2027

The South Shore Cultural District remains in limbo as the city prioritizes funding and resources for other cultural districts, pushing any substantial progress on South Shore until at least Fiscal Year 2027. A recent city memo from Anthony Segura, interim…

New strategic plan for downtown streets keeps momentum with stamp from Planning Commission

The Planning Commission recommended a new plan for the city’s downtown streets with several amendments during a meeting on March 11, joining the Urban Transportation and Design commissions and including some of their respective recommendations for the plan. The document…

Urban Transportation Commission recommends new strategic plan for downtown streets

The Urban Transportation Commission voted unanimously to recommend that City Council approve a new strategic plan from the Department of Transportation and Public Works for the streets of Austin’s small-yet-mighty downtown, along with a list of their own recommendations regarding…

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New convention center design revealed at Council

Trisha Tatro, director of the Austin Convention Center, promised during Tuesday’s City Council work session a “world-class design” and the “first net-zero carbon convention center in the world.” Katy Zamesnik, assistant director of the convention center, told Council that Austin…

Student housing union advocates for renters ahead of city’s UNO update

The University Tenants Union student group at the University of Texas has launched a new housing toolkit aimed at helping student renters better navigate the housing market in West Campus and surrounding areas. The organization, which advocates for tenant rights…

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Downtown Commission wants all-new plan to address needs of city core

The Downtown Commission has recommended the city pursue a complete rewrite of the Downtown Austin Plan rather than making updates and smaller changes to a document that commissioners say doesn’t reflect the needs of the city’s core. The combination of…

Equity overlay study draws criticism from Community Development Commission

The ongoing study of a potential equity overlay in East Austin is drawing concerns from residents and commissioners over its slow pace and lack of direct community engagement. At a recent meeting of the Community Development Commission, representatives from Atlanta-based…

Neighbors seek reversal of site plan approval for Bull Creek office building

It’s a case that never ends. The Champion sisters filed suit against the city in 1994 and again in 2004 over what they could and could not do with their property. At least one slice of that property is still…

Planning Commission OKs re-rezoning in Montopolis

The Planning Commission voted to recommend a rezoning petition for a long-empty parcel of land in the Montopolis neighborhood during its Jan. 14 meeting. The vote was contrary to the recommendation of Planning Department staff, who cited concerns about road…

Travis County bush

City and county to invest in historically underserved Northeast Austin area

At its Tuesday meeting, the Travis County Commissioners Court heard an update on what Commissioner Jeff Travillion called a “Marshall Plan” for the rapidly developing Northeast Austin area, referring to the 1948 plan for the U.S. to help in Western…

Neighbors join forces to halt plans for new office space in Pecan Springs-Springdale

A proposal to upzone a residential cul-de-sac is ruffling feathers in the Pecan Springs-Springdale neighborhood, with a crowd of neighbors joining the Planning Commission meeting last week to voice their disapproval. The request originally sought to rezone 6102, 6106 and…

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