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How the Historic Landmark Commission works to preserve Austin’s history

The Historic Landmark Commission is an all-volunteer, 11-member board appointed by members of City Council. The commission reviews applications for heritage grants, considers historic designations, weighs the merits of tax exemption applications, and acts generally as an advocate for historic…

Neighbors oppose East Austin demolition case

The Historic Landmark Commission reviewed an application to demolish another East Austin home at its Oct. 25 meeting.  The proposed demolition of the home, at 1601 Cedar Ave., garnered a significant amount of interest from the surrounding neighborhood. Citing potential…

Landmark commission resists demolition of San Jacinto warehouse

The Historic Landmark Commission faced a proposal to tear down a historic Austin property this past Monday, reviewing an application to demolish a warehouse at 301 San Jacinto Blvd. The brick building, which was constructed in 1912, has since passed through the…

Can the Dry Creek Café be saved?

Austin realtor Sherry LeBlanc was devastated when she found out the Dry Creek Café & Boat Dock was set to close its doors on Oct. 31. The historic watering hole was “more of a community than a bar” for her…

Demolition on San Marcos Street postponed as neighbors resist redevelopment in East Austin

Opinions clashed over the fate of two cottages at 82 San Marcos St. last Monday, as the Historic Landmark Commission evaluated an application for their demolition. The two homes, built in 1941, are located in the Willow-Spence National Register Historic…

Clarksville demolition cases reveal challenges faced by preservationists

The Historic Landmark Commission grappled with its own limitations this past Monday as it oversaw the outcome of two Clarksville demolition cases with palpable disappointment. The two homes, located at 1805 Waterston Ave. and 1104 Toyath St., are both contributing…

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Dilapidated Congress Avenue buildings move one step closer to reconstruction

After a yearslong saga, the owner of three run-down buildings at 907, 909 and 911 Congress Avenue will finally be able to reconstruct the buildings’ facades.  On Sept. 14, the Planning Commission overruled a decision by the Historic Landmark Commission…

New supermajority law for historic districts now in effect

The already tough task of creating historic districts in Austin just got a little harder, thanks to new state laws.  In 2019, the Texas Legislature changed the rules governing the designation of historic landmarks by requiring a supermajority of the Historic…

Fire destroys log cabin and preservation hopes

Plans to reconstruct and relocate a 19th-century log cabin at 5613 Patton Ranch Road are now moot after a fire destroyed the property. “We’ve reviewed the fire report and the cabin is a total loss,” Historic Preservation Officer Steve Sadowsky explained…

East Austin stadium celebrated by Black community nominated for national historic status

At first glance, Yellow Jacket Stadium feels a bit unassuming. Visitors see a track, a football field, a few sets of bleachers, and a parking lot with room for only a handful of vehicles. Unlike other athletic sites like Burger…

Partial demolition granted for Avenue A home located outside of historic districts

Earlier this week, the Historic Landmark Commission unanimously voted to co-sign some major redesign plans at 4315 Avenue A, a property located in the Hyde Park neighborhood. Owner/applicant Nathan Hobbs is seeking to expand the size of the home, which…

Landmark commission doubles down on Air Conditioned Village recommendation

This week, the Historic Landmark Commission voted unanimously to recommend 2502 Park View Drive for historic zoning, a move working against the wish of homeowners to demolish the house. The case has been before the commission several times as efforts…

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