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City will promote relocation of homes as alternative to demolition

The city has identified a number of ways to increase the relocation and deconstruction of homes as an alternative to demolition that could take place amid the push for more housing on smaller parcels of land. A memo issued last…

Despite appeal, new home project to move forward in East Austin historic district

A last-ditch effort to stop construction of a new home in the Robertson/Stuart & Mair Historic District failed at the Planning Commission, despite mixed feelings about the structure from the chair of the Historic Landmark Commission. Neighbors Mark Rogers and…

Three 'no' votes end try for historic zoning in East Austin

Despite efforts from Preservation Austin and approval from two city commissions, the small historic house at 1100 East Second St. failed to get support from the nine City Council members needed for it to be designated historic and avoid demolition.…

Landmark commission considers imposing historic zoning for neglected east side building slated for demolition by Eureka

Dallas-based real estate developer Eureka Holdings is once again ruffling feathers on 12th Street, with an application to demolish a century-old storefront at the Comal Street intersection meeting some resistance from the city’s Historic Landmark Commission. The two-story building has…

After decades on the back burner, revitalization efforts at historic Black cemetery are in full swing

After an uphill battle for recognition, things are looking up for Bethany Cemetery, with a vote at this month’s Historic Landmark Commission meeting initiating the site’s historic zoning process. The cemetery, founded in 1893 by and for Black Austinites, houses…

St. Joseph Hall cleared for demolition on St. Ed's campus

Historic Landmark Commission members have given their unanimous blessing to the demolition of  St. Edward’s University’s St. Joseph Hall, despite its architectural significance and historic association with the Brothers of the Holy Cross. The hall, which stands at 3001 S.…

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At massive Hill’s Cafe redevelopment, cottage demolition put on hold

Pieces continue to fall into place for a planned mixed-use development at the former site of Hill’s Cafe, though Historic Landmark Commission members put one of those pieces on hold at their most recent meeting in the hopes that a…

City’s historic preservation commission and code enforcement look to get in sync

After several recent cases that illustrated a divide between the city’s code enforcement policies and historic preservation aims, Historic Landmark Commission members are working to make sure things are more aligned and less hopelessly complicated for property owners who find…

Condemned homes get a stay of demolition at landmark commission 

In an effort to sort out the complicated details, Historic Landmark Commission members have unanimously supported a delay on demolishing two East Austin homes that are both historic and condemned. Both homes, which were built around 1916, are Hofheinz houses,…

Developing a former summer camp proves to be more than a seasonal project

Efforts to redevelop a former ranch and summer camp in Northwest Austin have hit another snag with the city’s Historic Landmark Commission, which has voted for a second time to postpone the convoluted case. The house at 7304 Knox Lane…

Planning Commission backs historic zoning for east side beauty shop

Despite its recent history, the Planning Commission unanimously endorsed historic landmark status for East Austin’s Fashionette Beauty Shop as a step toward more equitable historic preservation this week. The Fashionette Beauty Shop and McDonald Jackson House have stood at East…

Landmark Commission greenlights demolition for former Mary Lee School campus

A former special education facility for mentally disabled girls may soon be slated for demolition and redevelopment after the plans earned the Historic Landmark Commission’s seal of approval last Monday. The seven-building campus that was once home to the Mary…

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