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Council gives initial approval to denser zoning on S. Lamar site

Last Thursday, Council gave first reading approval to rezoning of about 3 acres of land close to the intersection of South Lamar and Menchaca. Developer John Warnock promises to provide 10 percent of an estimated 450 apartment units to renters…

As one family finds out, rezoning a property in Austin 'takes perseverance'

Most of the time, developers’ representatives appear before the Zoning and Platting Commission to request a zoning change. But on Tuesday, the commission heard a request not from someone looking to turn a profit, but from a family aiming to…

For neighbors' sake, Planning Commission recommends downsizing multifamily project by half

In an attempt to appease neighbors wary of new multifamily development, the Planning Commission Tuesday recommended less dense zoning than was requested by the owner of several vacant lots at Grady and Brownie drives in North Austin. The commission followed…

ZAP recommends VMU zoning on increasingly dense Slaughter Lane corridor

On Tuesday, the Zoning and Platting Commission unanimously recommended Vertical Mixed-Use zoning to allow a 290-unit multifamily development with ground floor retail at 1017 W. Slaughter Lane. Though VMU zoning is more often seen in the central city, commissioners thought…

12th and Springdale rezoning gets final Council approval

In a move that will bring more housing to East Austin, City Council approved the rezoning of 1200, 1202 and 1208 Springdale Road at its Aug. 26 regular meeting.  Mayor Pro Tem Natasha Harper-Madison made the case at the meeting…

Council gives initial OK to Fair Market rezoning

City Council has tentatively approved a height increase for a new East Austin office project that would replace Fair Market, an event space, on the southern half of the block bordered by Waller, East Fifth and Sixth streets. Council Member…

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Council approves 'multimodal' residential project in northwest downtown

City Council said yes to more density in the northwest corner of downtown by voting unanimously Thursday to approve Downtown Mixed-Use (DMU) zoning with a 90-foot height limit for Shoal Cycle, a 210-bed multimodal-friendly apartment project at 812 W. 11th…

ZAP fails to recommend rezoning for 100 percent affordable apartments

A tie vote at the Zoning and Platting Commission last Tuesday means that the rezoning for Fox Hollow, an affordable housing project, goes to City Council without ZAP’s recommendation. Half of the commission sided with neighbors who say the site…

Cave concern means no ZAP recommendation for Luby’s rezoning

Two weeks ago, Zoning and Platting commissioners made one thing clear: Without more information about two caves under the Luby’s cafeteria site in Northwest Austin, the commission can’t discuss the Multifamily-Highest Density (MF-6) zoning requested by the developer, who wants…

Northwest Austin cave prompts ZAP to postpone vote on apartment complex

With more questions than answers available to consider a proposed multifamily development at a Luby’s cafeteria in Northwest Austin, the Zoning and Platting Commission delayed a vote for two weeks on Aug. 3. The property is located on the southwest…

Springdale and 12th Street upzoning OK'd

At the urging of Mayor Pro Tem Natasha Harper-Madison, City Council approved a zoning request for 1200, 1202 and 1208 Springdale Road Thursday night, with all members voting in favor except Council Member Mackenzie Kelly, who was off the dais.…

Developer sidesteps valid petition, drawing Council members’ ire

Five City Council members voted against an affordable housing project in Northeast Austin after the developer skirted a valid petition by reducing the requested rezoning area. The case still passed on first reading Thursday, with six votes in favor, but…

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