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500-unit South Lamar project fails to get Planning Commission support

Since the Planning Commission has opposed Multifamily Residence-Highest Density (MF-6) zoning for a 500-unit apartment project at 2700 S. Lamar Blvd., the rezoning will go before Council next month without the commission’s recommendation. The developer for the project hopes to…

Planning Commissioners blast unequal treatment of renters

A rezoning case at Tuesday’s Planning Commission meeting sparked a conversation among commissioners over the disparate treatment between renters and single-family homeowners in the rezoning process.  A 330-unit multifamily project with 33 income restricted units is slated for a long,…

After fireworks, Springdale PUD moves a step forward

On Thursday City Council approved on second reading Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning for the properties at 1011 and 1017 Springdale Road, home of the infamous East Austin tank farm. But the 10-0 vote came only after Council Member Vanessa…

Planning Commission supports latest East Austin VMU rezoning

The Planning Commission last Tuesday recommended approval of a rezoning to allow a 126-unit multifamily building at 1200-1208 Springdale Road. The developer requests Vertical Mixed Use (-V) zoning, which would allow more units, on top of the current Community Commercial-Mixed…

Owner withdraws mini mart rezoning case

Although City Council gave preliminary approval for rezoning of the Sunrise Mini Mart at 913 and 915 W. Oltorf St., the road ahead looked bleak to property owner Abdul Patel and his agent, Jim Wittliff of Land Answers. With a…

Planning Commission gives developer and neighbors more time to break ‘impasse’

The developers of a small East Austin mixed-use project will have to keep talking it out with concerned neighbors to resolve their differences. The Planning Commission, after trying and failing to break the “impasse” between the developer and several neighbors,…

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Council approves rezoning for Foundation Communities project, quashing valid petition

A 100 percent affordable apartment project is coming soon to Southeast Austin. City Council has approved a rezoning for the Parker Apartments, a project by affordable housing developer Foundation Communities with 135 income-restricted units catering to families. Council members voted…

DKG house one step closer to high rise

City Council has granted preliminary approval for Downtown Mixed-Use zoning for the Delta Kappa Gamma house at 12th and San Antonio streets, allowing construction of a 375-foot residential tower. The motion to approve DMU at the requested height got only…

Planning Commission backs apartments on St. Andrew's School property

The Planning Commission last Tuesday backed rezoning a portion of land owned by St. Andrew’s School in Southwest Austin, bringing a proposed 295-unit apartment project one step closer to fruition. The school aims to rezone a 15-acre slice of its…

Neighbors nix liquor store at south-side mini mart

Last December, the Galindo Neighborhood Association told the city it had no objection to a zoning change that would allow for the development of a liquor store at the Sunrise Mini Mart at 913-915 W. Oltorf St. By March, opinions…

Planning Commission recommends 400-unit VMU project at Airport and Springdale 

A 400-unit apartment project at 3707 Goodwin Ave. took another step toward approval last Tuesday after receiving Planning Commission support for vertical-mixed use (VMU) zoning.  “This is a simple, straightforward VMU zoning case,” said David Hartman, representing the applicant, “but…

Hindered by traffic concerns, ZAP punts on rezoning case

Members of the Zoning and Platting Commission disagreed Tuesday on the proper zoning for an apartment project at 1434 Genoa Drive in South Austin, letting the zoning case move to City Council without their input. The commission’s main sticking point…

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