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Council gives first reading OK to major development on tiny slice of land

On a vote of 8-3, City Council last week approved on first reading a major change for a small sliver of property at 1209 W. Fifth St. The change would allow the developer to build up to 120 feet, a…

New zoning would allow huge building on South Congress

At the last meeting before the Nov. 5 election, City Council spent more than 11 hours in chambers, with most of their time being devoted to the contract with the Austin Police Association, which they approved. But with a barely…

Planning Commission postpones commercial rezoning of East Austin church

Though the Planning Commission voted at its most recent meeting to recommend commercial rezoning for the Alpha Seventh Day Adventist Church property on 51st Street, a posting error means that vote will need to take place again. The church community…

Revised Thornton Road rezoning gets first reading approval

After a surprise change in the requested zoning, City Council approved on first reading a much smaller zoning change for a 4-acre site on Thornton Road in South Austin. The property sits in District 5, and Council Member Ryan Alter…

Rezoning of the Herb Bar is in question as it advances

The Herb Bar, which sits at the corner of West Mary and Eva streets in the Bouldin neighborhood, has been offering herbs and spices, plus a variety of potions, since 1986. However, the new owner of the historic property, which…

Major upzoning in Zilker neighborhood draws opposition

On Sept. 12, City Council approved a zoning change for a 0.42-acre property in the Zilker neighborhood that will allow the developer to build to 90 feet, falling under the Density Bonus 90 category. The property at 2130 Goodrich Ave.,…

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Austin Pickle Ranch seeks rezoning to restore rooftop pickleball operations

A request to rezone Hartland Plaza to permit the continued operation of Austin Pickle Ranch set off a contentious back and forth at last week’s Planning Commission meeting as local residents pushed for more measures to mitigate sound and light…

Planning Commission supports rezoning lakefront property 

The Planning Commission supported rezoning 200 E. Riverside Drive, which is just east of South Congress Avenue, for a multiuse development project that would include multiple towers where a vacant office building currently sits.  The development will be 160 feet…

East Cesar Chavez zoning granted despite neighbors’ objections

Although former City Council Member Raul Alvarez and other east side advocates argued strenuously during last week’s meeting against granting DB90 zoning to the property at 3020 E. Cesar Chavez St., Council members approved the change on all three readings.…

Planning Commission endorses multifamily project in Montopolis

Despite some consternation about the impact to the neighborhood in terms of scale and potential for displacement, Planning Commission members have voted in support of a new multifamily development on Montopolis Drive between Caddie and Fairway streets. The project is…

East Austin church rezoning reveals cracks in DB90

Plans to expand an East Austin church are moving forward, but not before they sparked criticism of the city’s new density bonus program, DB90, at the Planning Commission last week. Christ Church of Central Austin, which is located at San…

Planning Commission checks in on new density bonus program

At their most recent meeting, members of the Planning Commission took the temperature of the city’s newest density bonus program, which is designed to allow developers to build more in exchange for community benefits like affordable housing. The program, dubbed…

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