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Council approves commercial zoning for foundation company site

Austin City Council gave its initial approval last week to change the zoning for four North Austin lots that host a foundation repair business on Georgian Drive to bring it into compliance with city regulations. If approved on second and…

City facing new legal challenge over Affordability Unlocked, other rules this week

The 18 plaintiffs who won a judgment against the city of Austin over its attempted rewrite of the Land Development Code in 2020 are going back to court this week. This time, they’ll attempt to overturn city regulations created in…

Planning Commission approves amendment to allow more music venues, creative spaces

The Planning Commission has approved an amendment to the city’s building code that could clear the way for more music venues and creative spaces throughout the city. At its July 25 meeting, the commission unanimously approved the amendment, which was…

Council gives final OK to Borden Dairy tract rezoning

City Council last week gave final approval for rezoning of the former Borden Dairy site in the Govalle neighborhood, allowing for its reconfiguration from an industrial site to a major mixed-use development. The vote was 8-1, with Council Member Alison…

Planning Commission says no to more mini storage units near future light rail station

The Planning Commission on Tuesday denied a request to expand a mini storage facility near a future light rail station, holding out for the possibility of mixed-use, transit-oriented development over what they deemed a suburban, car-oriented use.  The owner of…

Brentwood multifamily project secures Planning Commission support for rezoning

The Planning Commission on June 13 voted unanimously to rezone a collection of properties in Brentwood to allow mixed-use housing.  Developer Narrow Road Group plans to build approximately 350 housing units on the 2.44-acre site bounded by Clay Avenue, Houston…

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Commissioners OK one more mixed-use site on tiny South Austin street

Members of the Planning Commission on June 13 voted unanimously to recommend changing the zoning on two small properties at 1705 and 1707 Evergreen Avenue, just off South Lamar Boulevard, to accommodate business uses and workforce housing. If approved by…

Changes proposed for huge tower project on West Avenue

City Council last week postponed hearing a controversial zoning case for a property on the shores of Shoal Creek, at the request of neighbors. Developer Manifold Real Estate is requesting a zoning change for 506 and 508 West Avenue, from…

Borden Dairy plant rezoning approved on second reading despite objections

The massive Borden Dairy plant redevelopment moved one step closer to approval on Thursday, when City Council passed a rezoning associated with the project on second reading. The project would bring 1,400 residential units, a 220-room hotel, 411,500 square feet…

Council gives initial approval to redevelopment of East Austin dairy plant 

A huge mixed-use development on the site of a Borden Dairy plant in East Austin’s Govalle neighborhood is nearing approval. City Council on Thursday voted on first reading in favor of a rezoning that would allow the project to advance.…

Planning Commission OKs housing in industrial area

The Planning Commission on Tuesday supported a rezoning that could bring apartments to an industrial area at the corner of Burleson Road and Montopolis Drive in Southeast Austin. The case concerns properties at 6300 and 6410 Burleson Road. One of…

Rezoning on Anderson Mill won’t allow for used car lot

City Council last week rejected a rezoning request from the owners of property on Anderson Mill Road that would have allowed them to open a used car lot on the property. However, Council Member Mackenzie Kelly offered to help Ramin…

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