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ZAP votes to support Albert Road rezoning

The Zoning and Platting Commission supported a rezoning last Tuesday to bring several single-family homes to a 1-acre lot in South Austin.  Applicant Juan Pablo Mondragon requests Family Residence (SF-3) zoning for the property at 7415 Albert Road, which is…

Despite concerns about roadway capacity, ZAP endorses District 5 rezoning

The Zoning and Platting Commission recommended a rezoning last Tuesday that would allow additional homes on three single-family lots in South Austin. But not everyone was on board, with some commissioners siding with neighbors who wanted to prohibit vehicle access…

ZAP unable to support South Austin townhomes

The Zoning and Platting Commission failed to recommend a rezoning for seven townhomes in South Austin. The zoning case concerns a 1.3-acre vacant lot at 7311 and 7313 Bluff Springs Road, which the applicant hopes to rezone from Single Family-Small…

ZAP recommends fraction of proposed units for Northwest Austin tract

District 6 saw a return to its roots at the most recent meeting of the Zoning and Platting Commission, where a multifamily project dubbed the Zimmerman was the focus of discussion at City Hall. Currently, 11400 Zimmerman Lane is zoned…

Opera House gets green light from Council, but must compromise on size

Months of negotiations with neighbors finally paid off for the team seeking to reopen the Austin Opera House, with City Council voting unanimously last Thursday to approve the necessary zoning changes. The vote clears the path for applicant Chris Wallin…

Planning Commission supports first phase of East Austin development

The Planning Commission OK’d a rezoning on May 24 for the first phase of a larger development planned along Hudson Street in East Austin.  Ledgestone Development Group plans 97 units in a mix of single-family homes and attached townhomes on several…

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Planning Commission supports VMU zoning for 51st Street property

The Planning Commission on May 24 endorsed Vertical-Mixed Use (VMU) zoning for a parcel along East 51st Street where a developer plans to build up to 249 residential units.  The rezoning concerns a 4-acre tract at 5525 E. 51st St.,…

Planning Commission nearly derails East Austin townhome project 

A townhome project requesting to build closer to single-family homes than typically allowed nearly fell through Tuesday, when the Planning Commission lacked enough votes to approve the requested variance.   The developer of the seven-unit project at 1400 Cedar Ave. originally…

Hancock project to house the homeless sails through Planning Commission

The Planning Commission unanimously supported a zoning change Tuesday that would allow the construction of housing for people exiting homelessness in the Hancock neighborhood.  A group of affordable housing developers hopes to rezone three lots at 1004-1008 E. 39th St.…

More homes on the way to substandard Rogers Lane

Rogers Lane, a steep, narrow road in East Austin, has seen substantial development recently. On Tuesday, the Zoning and Platting Commission heard a rezoning case that could bring 107 additional units to the street, drawing concern from some residents. The…

Planning Commission recommends rezoning amid 'heartwrenching' testimony

A case at the Planning Commission Tuesday highlighted the vulnerability of renters amid Austin’s rapid growth, as older apartment buildings are increasingly torn down to make way for new development. At issue is the Old Homestead apartment complex, an 80-year-old,…

Montopolis project gets Council go-ahead

City Council approved a rezoning Thursday that will bring affordable housing for women and children experiencing homelessness to the Montopolis neighborhood. The rezoning from Family Residence (SF-3-NP) to Multifamily-Moderate Density (MF-4-NP), which Council approved on all three readings, will allow…

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