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Election roundup for City Council Districts 6-10
Close District 6 race will see December runoff District 6 candidates Don Zimmerman, Jimmy Flannigan and Jay Wiley all remained within 375 votes of each other as of publication. If that holds, Zimmerman and Flannigan would face each other in…
Austin • By Austin Monitor • Nov 5, 2014
Eckhardt, Shea, Gomez win Travis County seats
There were no surprises Tuesday in the elections for the Travis County Commissioners Court. Sarah Eckhardt handily defeated Republican Mike McNamara for County Judge by about a 2-1 margin. In Precinct 2, Brigid Shea defeated Republican Raymond Frank, also by…
Elections • By Michael Kanin • Nov 5, 2014
Early results posted for Mayor, Council, Prop 1
Elections officials have released early voting totals for Austin’s Mayor, City Council and Proposition 1 elections. These are very early returns and are likely to change significantly as more returns come in. In the Mayor’s race, Steve Adler took a…
Austin • By Mark Richardson • Nov 4, 2014
Early Voting results are posted
These are the Early Voting returns from the Austin Mayor and City Council and Proposition 1 elections. Elections officials released these numbers shortly after 7 p.m. More results will be posted as they are released. Mayor Steve Adler 38.53% Mike…
Austin • By Mark Richardson • Nov 4, 2014
Some San Marcos voters turned away on Election Day
As many as a dozen San Marcos voters were kept from casting a ballot on Election Day due to power outages at polling places, according to the Hays County Elections Administrator. Reports of somewhere between five and 12 voters were…
Elections • By Andy Sevilla • Nov 4, 2014
Many CoA temps make less than $11.50 per hour
The number of temporary employees hired by the City of Austin has increased over each of the past three years, as have the number of those employees making less than $11.50 per hour. Though the city pays all of its…
Austin • By Michael Kanin • Nov 4, 2014
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Austin's most comprehensive list of election parties
What’s an election without post-election parties? Looking forward to them is the only way we get through the long, exhausting election season. We have included as many post-election parties here as we could find, and we welcome information on any…
Elections • By Elizabeth Pagano • Nov 4, 2014
Groups call city social service contracts inadequate
Organizations that provide crucial community needs will walk away from Austin’s newly altered competitive process for assigning next year’s social services contracts without the funding they want, members of the City Council Public Health and Human Services Committee said Friday.…
Austin • By Beth Cortez-Neavel • Nov 3, 2014
South Carolina PAC attacks Adler campaign again
The South Carolina-based political action committee that has previously attacked mayoral candidate Steve Adler in anonymous phone calls to Austin voters struck again last week, this time by mail. The labor union-backed South Forward IE PAC sent out two glossy…
Austin • By Jo Clifton • Nov 3, 2014
Audit calls Public Library’s equity into question
Despite not having a formal definition of “equity” available to the public, the Austin Public Library insists that it uses equity as a guiding principle in all decisions. The city’s public library system challenged a report presented last week at…
Austin • By Alex Dropkin • Nov 3, 2014
Reporters Notebook: Rail bonds & fluoridated water
Discovering the flip side of Laura Pressley … Two separate local media outlets started digging deeper into District 4 City Council candidate Laura Pressley’s recent political past Thursday. The Chronicle struck first with a piece from Monitor political editor Jo…
Austin • By Austin Monitor • Oct 31, 2014
Ethics Commission gives candidates slap on wrist
Some City Council candidates are having trouble following Austin’s campaign finance laws. The Ethics Review Commission addressed three complaints against candidates in Districts 6, 8 and 10 Tuesday night. Each candidate admitted wrongdoing, and none of them walked away with major…