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Water, wastewater service approved despite objections

Austin City Council members Thursday found themselves boxed into approving water and wastewater service for a development in the drinking water protection zone along FM 620. The extension passed on a 7-0 vote after staff impressed upon Council members the…

Martinez to emphasize affordability, mobility in campaign for Mayor

Though he won’t be formally launching his campaign for Mayor of Austin until April 5, Council Member Mike Martinez did expand on his Tuesday night “announcement to announce” he was running.   Martinez told those gathered Wednesday outside City Hall…

Council set to discuss hike for seniors’ tax exemption, may put off action

Two, and possibly three, Austin City Council members appear willing to postpone approval of an increase in the property tax exemption for Austin residents who are 65 and older. The item is currently set for action as part of Council’s…

Council to look at new rule: Brew beer here, drink beer here

If the Austin City Council approves changes to city code today, thirsty Austinites will be able to drink their beer straight from the source.   Last week, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve code changes that will allow beer…

Travis Commissioners vote to spend $15 million on SH45 SW

The Travis County Commissioners Court approved spending $15 million in county funds Tuesday toward a plan to extend the southwest portion of State Highway 45 from the end of MoPac Boulevard to FM 1626. The vote fulfilled Travis County’s part…

Council declines to spend FY2013 surplus, debates budget process

Austin City Council members Tuesday continued to wrestle with whether to spend any of the $14.2 million FY2013 budget surplus. In the end, they did not spend any of it and along the way Council Members Laura Morrison and Bill…

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SOS files criminal charge against Daugherty over SH45 SW information

Bill Bunch, executive director of the Save Our Springs Alliance, filed a criminal complaint Monday against Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty. The complaint signed by Bunch was filed on behalf of SOS with County Attorney David Escamilla.   SOS alleges…

Morrison says she will not run for Mayor

Council Member Laura Morrison, who has served on the Austin City Council for nearly six years and has been considered a likely candidate for Mayor on the November ballot told the Austin Monitor today that she has decided against the…

Council approves zoning changes for Rob Roy multifamily project

Despite the opposition of neighborhood residents, the City Council voted unanimously on March 6 to approve changes to land use rules that would allow developers to build a multifamily project.   Rob Roy residents were on hand at last week’s…

County may join city in developing local sobriety center

Travis County Commissioners took a step Tuesday toward developing a sobriety center for the Austin area. The resolution passed unanimously, though it came with a few caveats.   Commissioners instructed their staff to work with the City of Austin and…

Travis County still working on finalizing flood buyout program

Four and a half months after the devastating Halloween floods, the county still doesn’t have a definitive buyout plan for all of the affected properties in the Bluff Springs Road area.   After an hour of public discussion, and even…

Council backs creation of new power generation task force

City Council members Thursday approved the creation of a new Austin generation planning task force. The group, as yet unnamed, will “examine and make recommendations regarding the 2014 update to Austin Energy’s current Resource, Generation, and Climate Protection Plan.” Council…

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