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Council approves process waivers for upcoming music festivals

Austin City Council members Thursday approved a set of process waivers that will allow Fun Fun Fun, Austin Urban Music, and Austin Reggae festivals to move ahead with their respective street closures in an expedited fashion. Festival organizers implied that…

Staff proposes new data system for Human Resources department

City of Austin human resources staff told Council members Thursday that the department’s antiquated record keeping was responsible for a host of potential risks – many of which have been identified in various internal city audits. These issues included the…

Council members considering mid-year budget adjustment

With more than a quorum’s worth of Austin City Council members angling to use roughly $14 million in 2013 budget surplus for various projects in piecemeal fashion, the group Tuesday signaled its desire to have a more comprehensive discussion about…

As county grows so does campaign spending

As Travis County grows, so apparently does the amount of money required to run a campaign for County Judge. According to campaign finance reports filed this week, candidates Andy Brown and Sarah Eckhardt raised a combined $1.1 million since mid-2013…

Council debates confidentiality of East 12th Street property sale

At Tuesday’s work session, Council Member Bill Spelman dove back into the issue of confidentiality in relation to a pending sale of land by the city’s Urban Renewal Board. Council members, who have limited options other than a straight thumbs-up…

Leffingwell: Fixing transportation issues critical to Austin’s future

“Rail or Fail.” That was the message (that may become a bumper sticker) from Mayor Lee Leffingwell as he gave his final State of the City address yesterday.   Though Leffingwell hit on many of Austin’s recent and continuing triumphs…

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City Council meetings to move to Travis County this summer

The City of Austin is moving. The City Council, at least, will be moving up Lavaca Street to the Travis County building this summer while renovations take place in council chambers to accommodate a larger membership.   The Travis County…

Council approves economic incentive deals for Websense, Dropbox

Austin City Council members Thursday approved nearly $700,000 in non-property tax based incentives in an attempt to lure two new tech firms, Websense and Dropbox, to Austin. The deal came on a 5-2 tally with Council Members Laura Morrison and…

Council efforts to block plan to move historic house could fall short

City Council members did what they could last week to thwart plans to move the historic Dabney-Horne House, but only time will tell whether it will be enough to keep the structure in place.   The University Co-op has owned…

Council members OK Websense, Dropbox incentive deals

Austin City Council members today approved nearly $700,000 in economic development incentives designed to lure Dropbox and Websense to the capital region. The agreements will come with stipulations for the creation of 540 new jobs and millions of dollars worth…

City Council approves limits on occupancy rates on first reading

After a very long night at its last meeting, the Austin City Council had taken definitive steps toward a reduction of maximum occupancy rates in single-family dwellings.   Council voted on first reading to reduce the maximum occupancy from six…

Report says key to Austin’s economic success is staying on top

Austin’s economy – if statistical rankings can be believed – is currently among the best in the country. Judging by those rankings, the city is at or near the top of many publications’ lists for job creation, business environment, places…

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