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Council split over plan to give delinquent utility ratepayers more time

Council Members Kathie Tovo and Laura Morrison want to give delinquent Austin Energy ratepayers who participate in the utility’s Customer Assistance Program additional leeway in paying their bills. Their proposal met with some resistance from Mayor Lee Leffingwell and utility…

Developers take concerns over Vested Rights Ordinance to Council

Key players in Austin’s development community brought their concerns about the potential outcome of an upcoming Austin City Council vote on a new Vested Rights Ordinance to Tuesday’s Council work session. There, they expressed concerns that fundamental portions of the…

Redistricting Commission gets final public input on district map

Edging ever closer to a final City Council district map, the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission held its final public meeting last night and received mostly positive feedback for its work in creating 10 single-member districts.   The commission met at…

Kyle City Council deadlocked over interviewing judge candidates

KYLE — After an hour-long discussion with failed motions and circling banter, Kyle City Council members sent home four applicants seeking the city’s Municipal Judge position without interviewing them as scheduled at a special called meeting on Nov. 7.  …

Residents express concerns over final Council districts map

A week after the final proposed map of Austin’s first single-member districts was released, Austinites gathered mainly to tell the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission what they felt was wrong with the map and, occasionally tell them what the panel had…

Travis Commissioners add $1 million to child care program

Travis County Commissioners have approved investing an additional $1 million over the next two years to bolster early childhood programs, particularly those offering child care for low-income families.   Commissioners approved a two-part plan that will change the procurement process…

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City Council keeps it brief so staff can continue flood relief

The Austin City Council cut Thursday’s meeting short in order to allow city employees to continue with flood relief duties in the city, but they spent enough time on the dais to pass two significant measures for those affected by…

City, county to expand home buyouts for flooded areas

The City of Austin and Travis County are both preparing to expand their ongoing programs to buy and demolish the homes of residents who live in flood-prone areas. And with last week’s severe flooding in the Onion Creek 25-year flood…

Israel and VanDeWalle headed for District 50 runoff election

The House District 50 race is headed to a runoff.   Of four candidates, Republican Dr. Mike VanDeWalle and Democrat Celia Israel ended the race comfortably in first and second place, though neither secured a majority of the vote. Israel…

News flash: Bond passage appears likely after early voting

Early returns in a City of Austin ballot question that asked residents to approve $65 million in Affordable Housing bonds looked likely to pass early Tuesday evening. Early voting returns – accounting for nearly six percent of the population —…

ICRC holds final public hearing on proposed Council districts

As the deadline for a single-member district map grows closer, the crowd wanting to address the map has grown larger and more vocal.   Wednesday night, the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission held its fourth and final public input meeting designed…

Leffingwell votes against climate protection clause in CAMPO plan

Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell found himself Wednesday defending a controversial vote to take references to climate protection and greenhouse gas emissions out of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s 2040 plan. Leffingwell told In Fact Daily that he cast his…

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