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Council members concerned over funding issues for Lone Star Rail

Austin City Council members are calling for more in-depth discussion about a potential interlocal agreement with the Lone Star Rail District. The agreement, if approved, would govern the partnership between the city and a potential rail agency for a line…

Despite opposition, Daugherty aiming to get SH45SW back on track today

Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty hopes to take a major step today to get his fellow Commissioners to endorse building the controversial SH45 Southwest roadway between South MoPac Boulevard and FM 1626. The roadway has been in the planning stages for…

Council to update density benefit regulations for Rainey Street area

Austin City Council members Thursday OK’d the start of a process that will result in a set of changes to the way that developers can exchange extra project density for community benefits in the area in and around Rainey Street.…

Council again postpones action on 24-hour access to hike-and-bike trails

A battle over whether three segments of the City of Austin’s hike-and-bike trails should remain open will last at least another week, after City Council members postponed a vote on an ordinance that would end the pilot program. However, that…

Council looks at compromise on Rainey Street density bonus plan

Austin City Council members returned Tuesday to the question of how to calculate public amenities associated with density bonuses for projects located in the Rainey Street neighborhood downtown. As part of the discussion – postponed from Council’s last agenda –…

City Council gets review of progress on Urban Rail Program

Austin City Council members received a set of updated Urban Rail statistics Tuesday. The presentation offered a glimpse at the ongoing process as staff and Mayor Lee Leffingwell did their level best to drive home the point that a route…

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City Council to take up battle over Urban Farms Ordinance

A fight over revisions to the city’s Urban Farm Ordinance has made its way to City Council, but with a postponement looming, that fight may not be over quite yet.   Opponents to ordinance changes are calling for a postponement,…

Council members, City Manager discuss limits on policy directives

Two attempts at dealing with a pending city crackdown on ornamentation of gravesites in city-owned cemeteries forced Council members Tuesday into a wider discussion over the limits of their purview when it comes to directions for City Manager Marc Ott.…

Council, police chief clash over district representative assignments

Austin City Council members continued to do battle amongst themselves and with Police Chief Art Acevedo Tuesday over lingering issues associated with the opening of three segments of city hike and bike trails to 24-hour traffic. It all comes against…

Eastside juice bar gets go-ahead despite some Council misgivings

Despite hand-wringing over the prospect of a drive-though in far East Austin, a modest juice bar proposal emerged unscathed from City Council consideration last week.   “Here’s a guy trying to make a go of a small business. Everybody knows…

Council clarifies affordability calculations on PUD Ordinance

Moving with a swiftness seldom seen at City Hall, City Council members approved changes to the city’s Planned Unit Development Ordinance at last week’s meeting.   Council voted 5-2 to approve the new ordinance, with Council Members Kathie Tovo and…

Council to add 7 new members to Buildings-Standards Commission

Austin City Council members Thursday took the first steps toward a larger  Building and Standards Commission – one that would, theoretically, be able to better handle a hefty volume of building code violations.   Council members unanimously offered tentative approval…

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