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City's 2013 sustainability goals hit 60 percent

Although sustainability efforts are notoriously difficult to measure, Austin’s Sustainability Office has outlined 10 targets and concluded that the city is making substantial progress within its operations, but has room for improvement. Chief Sustainability Officer Lucia Athens sent a memo…

Council adopts sweeping procedural changes

After a full week of debate about transparency, efficiency and public input, City Council has adopted a new set of meeting procedures and a committee structure that will overhaul the legislative process. Council members voted unanimously at their first regular…

Council tentatively approves salary shift

City Council took the first step toward allowing some Council members to divert all or portions of their own salaries Thursday. Council members voted unanimously to allow the resolution to move forward. However, the issue will have to return to…

Zimmerman establishes pole position

As one of their first acts as a body, City Council members examined, then approved, a routine contract for up to $10 million of steel poles for Austin Energy. Council Member Don Zimmerman pulled the proposed contract with TransAmerican Power…

Travis Commissioners hear TCAD, legislative issues

Property tax relief is high on the agenda for the Texas Legislature this session, and Travis County is getting its ducks in a row to follow the issue over the next few months. Along that line, it heard updates from…

Austin Monitor Radio: Pct. 2 Commissioner Brigid Shea

Travis County Pct. 2 Commissioner Brigid Shea joins Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to talk about SH45, property tax appraisals, the potential new Travis County Civil and Family Courthouse and more. This podcast version includes a bonus discussion about water policy.…

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Travis County sets bond election for November

On Tuesday, Travis County Commissioners chose November over May to go to the voters with a bond election to fund construction of the planned Civil and Family Courthouse project. Plans for the facility call for a 14-story, 511,000-square-foot building with…

Council members debate public input plan

The future of public input at City Council meetings remains unclear ahead of possible action Thursday, as Council members continue to discuss whether and how to limit it in favor of moving it to committee meetings. During a Tuesday work…

Price of Council changes still unknown

Though there are no hard numbers yet, Austin’s budget office has begun to review the potential fiscal impacts associated with proposed changes to City Council’s committee and meeting structures. According to a Jan. 23 memo from Deputy Chief Financial Officer…

Explainer: The long saga of the Garza Ranch case

Each week, the Explainer offers a closer look at stories we have been following. This week we look at the Garza Ranch. As part of their very first for-real, no-net meeting this week, Austin City Council members are set to…

Watershed Department maps it out in new guides

Though Austin’s new single-member district system has been actively in place for almost a month, there are undoubtedly countless details to be worked out. There are also opportunities for education, as the Watershed Protection Department has illustrated with a recent…

Council hears feedback on restructuring proposal

The new City Council tested out a lot of ideas at Thursday’s meeting, giving members of the public the opportunity to comment on proposed legislative changes via Twitter, call-ins and online polls in an environment evocative of a television program.…

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