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Committee backs low-income energy savings ideas

Low-income Austin Energy customers may receive some additional help in lowering their bills in coming years, based on a recommendation that a City Council committee made on Thursday. The Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee, which consists of the full Council…

Council delays decision on consumer advocate

Not just any old consumer advocate will do. City Council members made clear Thursday night that they were far from convinced that Oxford Advisors LLC, a firm proposed by Austin Energy to serve as an advocate for Austin ratepayers, was qualified…

Austin Energy's GM resigns to take Seattle post

Austin Energy General Manager Larry Weis has given notice that he will be resigning effective Jan. 31, 2016, in order to become chief executive officer at Seattle City Light. Weis, who is the city’s highest-paid employee, submitted his notice to…

Consultant endorses gas plant after study

Navigant Consulting, which the city hired to review the 500 megawatt natural gas plant proposed in the Austin Energy generation plan, has recommended the project. Dan Bradley and Matt Tanner, two of the report’s authors, presented the results at an…

Samsung, Freescale reject new energy tariff terms

Samsung Austin Semiconductor and Freescale Semiconductor – Austin Energy’s largest customers – have rejected the contract terms of a new tariff that City Council unanimously passed on Thursday. Catherine Morse and John Holmes, representing Samsung and Freescale, respectively, issued a…

Austin Energy supports Clean Power Plan

Although Texas is a major player in a legal challenge to the federal Clean Power Plan, Austin Energy and three utilities outside of Texas have joined Houston-based Calpine Corp. in a legal motion to support the plan. Austin Energy General…

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Low-Income Weatherization Program scrutinized

The Office of the City Auditor and the City Council Audit and Finance Committee put Austin Energy’s Low-Income Weatherization Program under the microscope on Wednesday, finding that customers are satisfied with the program overall but that it needs improvement. The…

Austin Energy committee considers new tariff

City Council appears to be moving closer to deciding how to charge Austin Energy’s two largest industrial customers, an issue it has grappled with since May. Convened as the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee, Council heard a presentation Thursday from…

Council expands immediate solar energy purchase

Just two weeks after approving 288 megawatts’ worth of solar energy contracts, City Council upped the total on Thursday to between 400 and 450 MW. In addition to the immediate purchases, the body directed Austin Energy to reach an ultimate…

Austin Monitor Radio: 600 MW of solar power?

The Sierra Club’s Cyrus Reed and city of Austin Electric Utility Commission chair (and former Austin Energy employee) Michael Osborne join Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to talk about the potential of as much as 600 megawatts in additional solar…

Austin makes major investment in new solar

The Austin City Council took a huge step toward achieving the city’s renewable energy goals on Thursday when it approved up to 300 megawatts’ worth of utility-scale solar contracts that will last for the next 15 to 25 years. The…

Austin Energy one step closer to energy storage

Local energy storage – essentially a giant battery connected to a power grid – seems like a simple idea, but for years it has been too costly for Austin Energy to pursue. That could change next year, though, when the…

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