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Austin Energy, activists agree on generation plan

After three months of intense negotiations, officials with the city’s electric utility and members of environmental groups — including, most prominently, the Sierra Club — have reached agreement on a proposed 2025 generation plan for Austin Energy. That plan includes…

Council to consider new utility debt policy

City Council will likely consider a new utility debt policy soon, after learning from staff that customers have accrued about $76 million in electricity debt alone, mostly over the past three years. Staff also reported that customers owe more than…

AE proposes rate change to improve value of solar

At Monday’s Electric Utility Commission meeting, Austin Energy officials presented a rate change that promises to create greater stability in the compensation of residential customers for the value of electricity generated by their solar units. The rate change is part…

Austin Energy works to increase ECAD compliance

The city’s Energy Conservation Audit and Disclosure ordinance went fully into effect this year, and Austin Energy staff say they are happy with the program’s progress and optimistic about its future. City Council adopted the ordinance in 2008 to keep…

Reporters Notebook: Last dance with Austin Energy

Current Council to get one more shot at Austin Energy . . . For those of you worried that the days of the current Council Committee on Austin Energy had ended: Fear not. The committee plans to have another meeting…

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