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Reporters’ Notebook

Reporter's Notebook: A doozy of a notebook

A doozy of a day… Council Member Ora Houston is a consistent advocate for citizen input. But that doesn’t mean she has to enjoy it. “Thank you Jesus,” she muttered to herself when City Council voted at 9:40 p.m. Thursday…

Reporter's Notebook: Field trips and missteps

Why extend the deadline when you can eliminate it?… During a budget work session on Wednesday morning, Council Member Ora Houston asked whether the deadline for submitting items to the budget concept menu was Tuesday night or Wednesday night. Don’t…

Reporter's Notebook: Lessons learned

A parking pittance… Members of City Council listening to a lengthy presentation on the Development Services Department budget Wednesday didn’t suggest any major changes to the way the department is running or spending its money. But a number of Council…

Reporter's Notebook: Fine by APL

We’re thunderstruck… Into the apparent state Democratic vacuum for next year’s governor’s race steps Austin musician – and owner of an absolutely superb and bitchin’ beard – Thor Harris. The news came last week via Twitter when Harris, holding a…

Reporter's Notebook: Cool for cats?

It is in Austin!… During a discussion of the Aquatic Master Plan during a City Council work session last Tuesday, Council Member Delia Garza highlighted the dearth of public pools in her southeastern district, which includes parts of Del Valle.…

Reporter's Notebook: We have questions

Not a priority… When it comes to more transit priority lanes, Austin Transportation Director Robert Spillar is not running any red lights. At the Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Traffic Jam last week, Spillar talked about the tricky nature of dedicating…

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Reporter's Notebook: Use your judgment

Judge judging the judge… It seems not everyone is a fan of County Judge Sarah Eckhardt’s iron-fisted management of Travis County Commissioners Court meetings. Her refusal last week to allow Commissioner Jeff Travillion to interject a question in the middle…

Reporter's Notebook: Don't say that

Yeah, OK, on the record, then… During the May 9 meeting of the Community Development Commission, commissioners took up the issue of developing Levander Loop with affordable housing. After a bit of misunderstanding, Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Assistant Director…

Reporter's Notebook: Just mull it over

“Sanctuary cities” protests continue… Protesters interrupted a Cedar Park Fourth of July parade last week to protest Senate Bill 4. No one was arrested, but they were removed so the parade could continue. They told KVUE they were calling for…

Reporter's Notebook: Good vibes

Worth getting up for… Sometimes in the course of covering events for the Austin Monitor there are moments when it seems like things are going to go off the rails. It happens pretty frequently during the public comment portion of…

Reporter's Notebook: What is equity, really?

There’s always a silver lining… If you only read the transcript of Mary Owens’ remarks to City Council during Citizen Communication on Thursday – and therefore could not hear the frustration and contempt conveyed by the tone of her voice…

Reporter's Notebook: Best-laid plans

No two ways about it… yet… Like many, many other projects around town, the conversion of downtown’s Colorado Street to a two-way avenue will be delayed, albeit slightly. Crews have been reconstructing the street from the Governor’s Mansion on West…

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