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Austin Monitor Radio: The Red River Cultural District.

Music Commission Chair Gavin Garcia and Stubb’s general manager Ryan Garrett join Austin Monitor reporter Chad Swiatecki for a chat about the state of the Red River Cultural District. Join us for a conversation that tackles everything from the recent…

Austin Monitor Radio: Reporters' Roundtable

This week, Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin is joined by editor-in-chief Elizabeth Pagano, copy editor Nina Hernandez and the Austin Chronicle’s Michael King to gossip about City Council, homestead exemptions and other things going on at City Hall. Audio of…

Austin Monitor Radio: Evolve Austin's Andy Cantu

Evolve Austin executive director Andy Cantu joins Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to chat about CodeNEXT as part of our radio series that examines the differing points of view that surround the rewrite of the City of Austin’s Land Development…

Austin Monitor Radio: Niran Babalola and Dr. Fred McGhee debate land use and CodeNEXT

Niran Babalola and Dr. Fred McGhee debate land use and CodeNEXT. Hosted by Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin. Show is embedded below:

Onward (in a different kind of way...)

I write you all this morning with a bit of news: At the end of May, I’ll head over to The Texas Observer, where I will serve as that venerable publication’s publisher. I’m also pleased to say that the Austin…

Austin Monitor Radio: CodeNEXT consultants John Miki and Peter Park

CodeNEXT consultants John Miki and Peter Park join Monitor publisher Mike Kanin for a chat about the city of Austin’s Land Development Code rewrite. The show is embedded below:

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Austin Monitor Radio: Mary Ingle and David King on CodeNEXT

Austin Neighborhoods Council president Mary Ingle and Zoning and Platting Commissioner David King join Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to chat about CodeNEXT. Audio is embedded below:

Austin Monitor Radio: Central Texas Food Bank CEO Derrick Chubbs

GivingCity publisher and editor Monica Maldonado Williams chats with Central Texas Food Bank President and CEO Derrick Chubbs. Audio is embedded below:

Austin Monitor Radio: City Transportation

Austin Monitor freelancer Caleb Pritchard chats with Austin Transportation Department Director Rob Spillar and ‎Transportation Systems Development Division Manager Annick Beaudet. The show is embedded below:

Publisher's Note: PennyPass incoming

I have a bit of news, but first I want to be sure that we’re all on the same page with regard to terminology and philosophy. The Austin Monitor employs a paymeter (stay with me here, it’ll be worth it)…

Austin Monitor Radio: Former Council Member Chris Riley

Former Austin City Council Member Chris Riley joins Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to chat about Riley’s time in New York, his new urban planning degree, and Austin’s CodeNEXT efforts. Audio is embedded below:

Publisher's Note: Why your Monitor is a bit light this morning

How’s this for a morning duh: Diversity is nothing but good for a newsroom. Without it, we can’t well claim to cover every possible angle of a story. Your Monitor has a bit of work to do on our cultural…

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