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Austin Monitor Radio: D7 Candidate Natalie Gauldin

District 7 Council candidate Natalie Gauldin joins Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to chat about her campaign. The show is embedded below.

Austin Monitor Radio: Barbary Brunner and the new Austin Technology Council

New Austin Technology Council CEO Barbary Brunner joins Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to talk about the expanding role of the organization. Show is embedded below.

Austin Monitor Radio: CM Ann Kitchen on a potential 2016 transportation bond

Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen joins Austin Monitor reporter Caleb Pritchard for her take on a potential 2016 transportation bond. Post is embedded below.

Austin Monitor Radio: Getting into the Council transportation bond vote

Austin Monitor reporter Caleb Pritchard joins publisher Mike Kanin to chat about Council’s recent transportation bond vote. Post is embedded below:

Austin Monitor Radio: Jim Duncan on CodeNEXT

CodeNEXT Advisory Group co-chair Jim Duncan joins Monitor publisher Mike Kanin and editor Liz Pagano to talk about the status of the city’s land development code rewrite. Sponsored by Austin Water. Program is embedded below:

Austin Monitor Radio: 2016 transportation bond?

Austin Monitor freelancer Caleb Pritchard hosts Austin Mayor Steve Adler’s communications director Jason Stanford for a conversation about a potential 2016 City of Austin transportation bond. Sponsored by Austin Water. Post is embedded below. Clarification: At about 16 minutes and…

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Publisher's Note: Story Map and individual story purchase

When we started this project, we envisioned a regular beat of these Publisher’s Notes — maybe once every two months or so. This is my second in about three weeks. So, if you’d like a rough “exciting times” metric for…

Austin Monitor Radio: Smart City challenge

LBJ School professor Sherri Greenberg joins Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to chat about the City of Austin’s Smart City challenge application. This show is sponsored by Austin Water. It is embedded below.

Austin Monitor Radio: You don't know Lanier High School

As part of the Austin Monitor in the Classroom program, a partnership with Google Fiber, we turn this week’s show over to five students from Lanier High School. Then Monitor publisher Mike Kanin is joined by Lanier students Joseph Correa,…

Publisher's Note: Fun and Game Night

Last week, your Austin Monitor team tried something new. From the start, we’d planned on building an events series to further our mission of civic engagement. Our thinking was that direct outreach might more directly impact our readers (and earn…

Austin Monitor Radio: Reporter's Roundtable

The Austin Chronicle‘s Michael King joins Austin Monitor editor Liz Pagano and Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to take a look at what’s been going on with your Austin City Council. Sponsored by Austin Water. Post is embedded below:

Austin Monitor Radio: Preservation Austin

Representatives from Preservation Austin join Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to offer their take on historic zoning in the City of Austin. Sponsored by Austin Water. Post is embedded below.

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