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Consultant says doubling city’s solar goal do-able but expensive

Should Austin double its already ambitious solar energy goal?   It’s a question that has begun to get renewed attention from solar advocates, environmentalists, utility officials and others following a year-old recommendation by the City Council-appointed Local Solar Advisory Committee…

Council members, City Manager discuss limits on policy directives

Two attempts at dealing with a pending city crackdown on ornamentation of gravesites in city-owned cemeteries forced Council members Tuesday into a wider discussion over the limits of their purview when it comes to directions for City Manager Marc Ott.…

Council, police chief clash over district representative assignments

Austin City Council members continued to do battle amongst themselves and with Police Chief Art Acevedo Tuesday over lingering issues associated with the opening of three segments of city hike and bike trails to 24-hour traffic. It all comes against…

Planning Commission delays vote on Cascades MUD to November

The Planning Commission isn’t weighing in just yet on a proposed municipal utility district in the Onion Creek area, despite pressure from some city departments to move the project along.   The Cascades MUD is much closer to Austin’s city…

ZAP denies contentious rezoning request at Balcones Country Club

Opponents of a bid to develop Balcones Country Club land won a unanimous victory at the Zoning and Platting Commission last week.   The Balcones Country Club Membership Association brought forward the proposal to rezone four lots from Rural Residential…

Commissioners consider joining city study of affordable housing

A request to join with the City of Austin in a housing market study turned into a lengthy and sometimes philosophical discussion of affordable housing at Travis County Commissioners Court on Tuesday.   The item was an interlocal agreement with…

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Landmark Commission OKs historic zoning for Commodore Perry estate

The Historic Landmark Commission unanimously recommended historic zoning for the 1928 Commodore Perry estate at last month’s meeting, despite neighborhood fears that the designation is part of a larger, more nefarious scheme. The matter must now move on to the…

Celia Israel runs for District 50 with a long history of public service

Celia Israel’s civic service resume reads a mile long. The long-time Travis County Democrat is probably most recognized for the work she did on former Gov. Ann Richards’ administration.   But that was only one of many destinations along Israel’s…

Chang Sheppard uses business experience to run for District 50

Jade Chang Sheppard – Democratic candidate for State Representative, District 50 – makes  being a successful business woman, a wife and mother of two, and doting daughter look good. But parts of the political hopeful’s journey to get where she…

Non-profit foundation purchases In Fact Daily

The non-profit Capital of Texas Media Foundation, founded by In Fact Daily reporter Mike Kanin, this morning completed the purchase of the publication from Cox Communications, the parent company of the Austin American-Statesman. Terms of the sale were not disclosed.…

Delay sought for Density Bonus plans for Rainey Street

Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole plans to delay an item on today’s Austin City Council agenda that seeks to reconcile the city’s new Downtown Density Bonus program with one in place in the exploding Rainy Rainey Street area. With the postponement,…

Profile: Reyes says varied background is an advantage in District 50 race

Rico Reyes’ run for the vacant District 50 State Representative seat rests firmly on his desire to give to a community he claims to know more intimately than his competitors.   If roots were votes, Reyes might automatically be front-runner.…

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