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Council plans changes in affordable housing for PUD Ordinance

Changes are on the way to the city’s Planned Unit Development Ordinance that will officially alter how the city calculates affordable housing requirements.   The changes come after a divisive debate over how the PUD Ordinance calculates affordable housing. Calculations…

Downtown Marriott developer sues city over return of fee waivers

The developer behind a new Downtown Marriott filed suit in federal court Tuesday against the City of Austin over a set of fee waivers that were awarded to the project and then revoked amid city assertions that the developer did…

Leander ISD continues push to build road through Balcones Preserve

The Leander Independent School District continued its quest to build a road through the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve on Wednesday morning, but those plans remain on hold. In the meantime, the preserve’s Coordinating Committee is taking time to consider the potentially…

Motal to end controversial tenure as LCRA General Manager

Lower Colorado River Authority General Manager Becky Motal announced on Wednesday that she will retire on Dec. 31. LCRA board members will look for her replacement, beginning immediately.   Her departure comes as the organization – a quasi-independent utility with…

COTA area roads put on hold for negotiation among commissioners

Travis County Pct. 4 Commissioner Margaret Gómez pushed a proposal to fast-track road improvements in her precinct near the Circuit of the Americas racetrack before County Commissioners Tuesday, but in the end, opted to wait a week when she didn’t…

Aquifer district approves groundwater permit for water ski business

At first glance, the idea of allocating groundwater to a water ski business in drought-plagued Central Texas might seem absurd.   But after a thorough examination of the request from Ski Quest, the Barton Springs/ Edwards Aquifer Conservation District voted…

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Austin Energy looking at big jump in cost of turbine maintenance

A change to the maintenance contract for the gas turbines that power Austin Energy’s Decker Creek and Sand Hill facilities could cost the utility as much as an additional $8.3 million over the final four years of three agreements. The…

Industry continues battle against endangered species listings

Energy industry lobbyists and conservative political organizations are moving quickly after a lawsuit settlement in August allowed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to move on more than 750 threatened species waiting to be named to the Endangered Species list.…

Leander ISD faces uphill battle for road through Balcones Preserve

The Leander Independent School District wants to build a road through the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve, but it will have to pass through the preserve’s Coordinating Committee Wednesday morning to get anywhere at all.   The BCCP Citizens Advisory Committee has…

Morrison proposes resolution to keep water on during utility cutoffs

Austin City Council Member Laura Morrison is preparing a resolution that could mean utility customers with delinquent bills would no longer face loss of water service. Morrison expects to bring the measure forward at the Sept. 26 Council meeting.  …

Planning Commission backs removal of heritage pecan for development

With approval from the Planning Commission, an East Austin property owner has gotten the go-ahead to remove a heritage tree that he says is interfering with development plans.   Developer Austin Stowell sought a variance from the city that would…

Court decision spells doom for East Side Tubing enterprise

A loss in court may prove the final straw for a nascent East Austin tubing business on the Colorado River between Longhorn Dam and the Montopolis Bridge.   “I’m afraid that it’s going to mess up a good thing, but…

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