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Redistricting Commission continues to grapple with conflicting legal advice

Members of the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission continued to inch ahead with the administrative details surrounding its mission to draw geographic Council districts in time for the 2014 city elections Wednesday. However, the body continues to be plagued by conflicting…

Labor officials say retaliation still a major concern for city employees

Austin city management may not be fully aware of continued worries shared by members of its workforce over retaliation related to voicing complaints about the workplace. This news comes despite assurances of progress on issues outlined in a controversial 2010…

Projected city budget remains under rollback rate for fourth year in a row

It’s budget time at the City of Austin, and the preliminary numbers are in.  Budget officials are currently projecting a potential $50.04 annual increase in property taxes for the average homestead, which has risen in value to $183,133.   The…

Delay in briefing of Council members on APD shooting raises questions

In Fact Daily has learned that city management did not brief most Austin City Council members about Friday’s shooting by an Austin Police officer of Larry Eugene Jackson Jr. until Monday.    City Manager Marc Ott left on vacation Sunday…

Proposed gate opens disagreement between neighborhood, developers

People who live in one Southwest Austin neighborhood virtually unpaved the way for developers to privatize a few public roads. On Tuesday, Travis County Commissioners Court listened while residents of The Ridge at Thomas Springs voiced their opposition to developers…

Holland retires after 8 years at the helm of Barton Springs Aquifer District

After more than eight years at the helm, Kirk Holland is retiring as General Manager of the Barton Springs/ Edwards Aquifer Conservation District.     Though he says he never would have imagined that his last job would be at…

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Austinites make up 6 of 10 employees at firms with economic agreements

Roughly  6 out of every 10 workers hired by companies that have economic development agreements with the City of Austin live in Austin, according to an informal survey by Austin’s Economic Growth and Redevelopment Services Office.   EGRSO officials say…

Young Democrats host forum for House District 50 candidates

Austin Young Democrats had a chance to get up close and personal with the Democratic candidates for Texas House District 50 last week.   AYD hosted a forum at the Cedar Door on Thursday night for the four Democratic candidates…

Holder vows to reinstate Voting Rights Act preclearance rules for Texas

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder declared his intention Thursday to intervene in the continuing battle over redistricting of Texas Congressional and state House seats, as well as the possibility of a challenge to Texas’ new voter ID law. Holder made…

Landmark Commission blocks Co-op request to re-locate historic home

University Co-op’s plans to develop its land in West Campus were thwarted in a new way at Monday night’s Historic Landmark Commission meeting.   Earlier this year, the Co-op was unsuccessful in obtaining a variance that would allow removal of…

Neighbors want to let the air out of tubing business below Longhorn Dam

Tubing has come to the east side of Austin, and it’s making waves at City Hall.   Since Memorial Day, East Side Tubes has been offering tube rentals and shuttles for a float from just below the Longhorn Dam to…

Travis Commissioners give go-ahead for new Civil and Family Courthouse

Under pressure to act, the Travis County Commissioners Court Tuesday approved a construction method for building a new Civil and Family Courthouse in downtown Austin. The unanimous endorsement came after a lengthy presentation, debate, impassioned argument and a bit of…

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