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- HUD cuts could endanger portion of more than $15M in federal housing funds
- Watson warns of Austin’s ‘budget asteroids’ in speech to real estate council
- Prompted by convention center controversy, Council seeks changes to public art program
- Amid ongoing measles concerns, Austin ISD’s vaccination rate is below target for its youngest students
- Following Trump’s lead, Abbott orders state workers to return to offices
Discover News By District
Travis Commissioners settle DA building drama
Travis County Commissioners Court settled the final act Tuesday in a lengthy drama surrounding a proposed new district attorney’s office building. In a 3-2 vote, the commissioners gave the green light to a moderately revised version of the Ronnie Earle…
Local Government • By Caleb Pritchard • Mar 11, 2015
Riverboat contract has a sewage problem
Mayor Pro Tem Kathie Tovo and City Council Member Leslie Pool raised concerns last week about Lone Star Riverboat’s practices at the regular Council meeting Thursday, postponing the vote on a revenue contract until March 26. A memo to Council…
City Council • By Sunny Sone • Mar 9, 2015
Explainer: The Zucker Report marginalia
There was a lot of unveiling in the Zucker Report. We saw that a third-party analysis of the City of Austin’s Planning and Development Review Department did, indeed, show what appears as evidence of multiple divisions in shambles, as had…
Austin • By Michael Kanin • Mar 9, 2015
Plans for Decker golf course divide Parks board
A proposed golf course split Austin’s Parks and Recreation board down the middle Wednesday night when members landed undecided on whether to recommend to City Council a 50-year license with Decker Golf LLC to build a high-end golf complex in…
Austin • By Audrey McGlinchy, KUT • Feb 26, 2015
Publisher's Update: Elections/readers survey
Election Day is always something of a high-water mark for your Monitor team. Each cycle we pour resources into coverage of the campaigns. This year, of course, was multiplied by two major factors: the switch to 10-1 and the amount…
Monitor News & Media • By Michael Kanin • Nov 10, 2014
City Council advances source of income ordinance
City Council members took another step toward prohibiting housing discrimination based on source of income Thursday, passing an ordinance on second reading that amends the city code. The ordinance includes language that offers an exemption to property owners who do…
Courts • By Tyler Whitson • Nov 7, 2014
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Code violators may get administrative hearings
The Code Department may soon have a new tool to enforce city code, if an ordinance passes at today’s City Council meeting that would create an administrative hearing process for certain violations. Code Department Director Carl Smart told Council members…
Resources • By Tyler Whitson • Oct 23, 2014
Council still far from agreement on TNC ordinance
City Council members demonstrated Tuesday that there is still considerable disagreement about the finer points of an ordinance that would temporarily legalize transportation network companies in Austin, despite its approval on first and second readings, with a final reading on…
Transportation • By Tyler Whitson • Oct 15, 2014
McDonald announces retirement from city service
After 31 years of service to the city, Deputy City Manager Michael McDonald has announced that he will retire at the end of December. McDonald, who had a distinguished career in the Austin Police Department and served as the first…
Public Safety • By Jo Clifton • Oct 15, 2014
Report: Drivers delayed 26 million vehicle hours
If you think you are spending a lot of time sitting on Austin’s roads going nowhere, you are right. In fact, you are contributing to the city’s 26 million vehicle-hours a year of traffic delays, according to a Texas A&M…
Transportation • By Alex Dropkin • Oct 14, 2014
Publisher's Note: One Year/One Month
A note from Monitor publisher Mike Kanin: As of last Wednesday, it has been one year since we acquired what was formerly In Fact Daily from the Austin American-Statesman. Somehow, the occasion got a little lost. This probably had something…
Uncategorized • By Michael Kanin • Oct 6, 2014
A note from your editor
Hello, I’m Liz, and I’m editor-in-chief now. A lot of you may already be familiar with me — I’ve been writing for the Monitor (and In Fact Daily) for about four years. I’ll still be doing that, because otherwise it…