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District 9 forum focuses on affordability

The three City Council candidates vying to represent Austin’s most central district focused on issues of affordability and housing during Thursday night’s forum. The City of Austin presented the event in partnership with the Ethics Review Commission and the League…

Council to mull purchase of Bull Creek property

City Council members will discuss whether to purchase the state-owned property at 45th Street and Bull Creek Road at 9:30 a.m. today. Council Members Laura Morrison, Kathie Tovo and Bill Spelman are sponsors. With Mayor Lee Leffingwell a definite no…

Publisher's Update

Morning All. Here’s a quick update about our progress on the Web side of things: We continue to hear from folks who have trouble logging in using the new system. The good news is that, for the strong majority of…

Hello seersucker, goodbye summer

Though City Council slogged through a lengthy agenda at its Thursday meeting, there was time for a bit of festivity and to make a fashion statement. “In the normal world, it’s devastating if you show up wearing the same outfit…

Week 1 update

Morning all. First, thank you for bearing with us as we work through the lingering troubles we’ve had with our login system. If you are still having issues, don’t hesitate to email me. I can be found at Michael dot…

Liquor store near SafePlace a nonstarter

A plan to put a liquor store near Austin’s SafePlace shelter found no support at the Planning Commission last week. Riverside Liquor was seeking a conditional use permit for liquor sales at 6100 East Riverside Drive in about 1,500 square…

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A note from Austin Monitor publisher Mike Kanin. Hi there. And welcome to our new home. When the Capital of Texas Media Foundation purchased the former In Fact Daily this past October, we marked out a rough path through what…

Council punts decision on AE reserves

The Austin City Council decided with a 4-3 vote Thursday to postpone a decision to transfer $30 million from Austin Energy’s Operating Fund to its Strategic Reserve Contingency Fund as requested by staff in order to bring the utility closer to complying…

Ethics Review Commission dismisses complaint against Neslund

The Ethics Review Commission dismissed a complaint Tuesday night that Melissa Neslund should have registered as a lobbyist, after a hearing that chair Austin Kaplan called perhaps the board’s most contentious. A special called meeting of the commission weighed whether…

Pay raise for Travis County employees in limbo

Travis County elected officials will not get a pay raise next year, following a recommendation by the Planning and Budget Office that the Commissioners Court unanimously approved Tuesday. Other county employees, with few exceptions, will have to wait to find out whether…

Property tax relief hot topic at mayoral forum

During the South Austin Democrats‘ mayoral candidate forum Tuesday night, candidate Steve Adler defended his position in support of a citywide 20 percent homestead tax exemption. Fellow mayoral candidates Mike Martinez and Sheryl Cole have blasted Adler’s flat 20 percent…

Travis County spending for July 29

Here’s the Monitor’s weekly detailed rundown of Travis County’s spending and unbudgeted revenue, for the week of July 29, 2014 Tuesday, the County Commissioners approved $1,018,612.24 in expenditures: $710,444.24 for reimbursement to United Health Care for claims paid for participants in the…

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