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District 7
Planning Commission recommends 'missing middle' project next to single-family homes
On Tuesday, the Planning Commission recommended multifamily zoning for a 20-unit townhome project at 901 & 907 Stobaugh St. in the Crestview neighborhood. The rezoning would represent a substantial increase in density compared to the single-family properties just west of…
Zoning • By Jonathan Lee • Jul 29, 2021
Planning Commissioners blast unequal treatment of renters
A rezoning case at Tuesday’s Planning Commission meeting sparked a conversation among commissioners over the disparate treatment between renters and single-family homeowners in the rezoning process. A 330-unit multifamily project with 33 income restricted units is slated for a long,…
Zoning • By Jonathan Lee • Jun 11, 2021
It’s not easy to replace a venue where Janis Joplin sang
Will the treasured spirit of the old Threadgill’s live on in a proposed multifamily development slated to replace the iconic restaurant and live music venue? That would be the preferred outcome of the Historic Landmark Commission, which unanimously recommended that…
Preservation • By Amy Smith • May 6, 2021
Animal Advisory Commission fields outcry over Gracywoods guinea fowl
In Sub-Saharan Africa, where bloodthirsty predators abound, the guinea fowl’s large numbers, fast legs, and plucky dispositions help protect them from looming peril. But over 8,000 miles away, in the charming North Austin neighborhood of Gracywoods, the birds face a…
Austin • By Seth Smalley • Feb 18, 2021
Planning Commission grants variance for ‘innovative’ office proposal
The Planning Commission on Tuesday approved an environmental variance for an office project at 1514 W. Koenig Lane, but not before working through the details of city environmental requirements that make developing the site tricky. Applicant Joel Levine plans to…
Planning • By Jonathan Lee • Jan 14, 2021
Leslie Pool: Governing not for the faint of heart
The year 2020 has been a stressful year for almost everyone. For those considering running for a seat on City Council at some point in time, District 7 Council Member Leslie Pool has some advice. As she told the Austin…