Checking in from #atxcouncil where things are yet to get underway. #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:18 AM
#atxcouncil under way! April 02, 2015 10:29 AM
Item 10
Item 10 ppd to 4.23 #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 10:31 AM
10 is Lone Star Riverboat contact. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:31 AM
#atxcouncil expecting its first council day briefing (Zucker report-associated) #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:32 AM
Item 12
Item 12 also ppd. That’s charter bus reg changes. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:33 AM
Item 5
Item 5 set for 11 time certain (no sooner than). #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:33 AM
Actually shaping up to be a maybe longish day here at #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:34 AM
#atxcouncil heading to pass handful of consent items not pulled #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:37 AM
Items 4 5 7 9 11 15 12 13 14 20 21 all pulled. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:38 AM
#atxcouncil consent agenda passes yeas: 11 (unanimous) #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:39 AM
Item 4
#atxcouncil heads to item 4 #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:39 AM
4 pulled by @EllenforAustin and @PoolforAustin #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:40 AM
4 is the XGames item. Would ok #atxgov involvement, eventually state dollars for games. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 10:41 AM
#citcom up first on 4. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:42 AM
#citcom up first on 4. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:42 AM
Autoweek-affiliated reporter up to endorse idea of #atxgov signing on to X-Games, but more generally supportive of CELOX #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 10:45 AM
Dings #atxcouncil on giving $100k for cyclocross event #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:45 AM
Zilker’s David King up. Calls on #atxcouncil to vote no on XGames involvement. Concerned about tax dollars spent, few waivers #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:48 AM
littlefieldmark "@MKanin we should all play these numbers in the lottery this week. I gotta good feeling."
@littlefieldmark #lotterydollarswouldfundgoodjournalism April 02, 2015 10:49 AM
CoTA rep Richard Suttle up. Clear that he doesn’t rep CELOC. Calls for endorsement of XGames. #atxgov #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 10:50 AM
Suttle also notes that XGames didn’t qualify for major events Thx to Lege glitch. Says that’s done. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:52 AM
Suttle: “zero” tax payer cost. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:52 AM
Suttle has cast XGames as expected move from one state fund to another. Calls on #atxcouncil to “honor” original agreement. #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:53 AM
CM Kitchen clarifies that funding for this set of games (not other two future) is this April. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:54 AM
MPT @kathietovo asks if XGames app is multi-year. Suttle: not quite. Would be “rolling year after year” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:55 AM
MPT @kathietovo wonders if, in future years, XGames would be back for #atxcouncil authorization. Staff’ll have to answer that one #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:56 AM
MPT @kathietovo also looking for other events CELOC, COTA will look for state funding for #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:57 AM
MPT @kathietovo asks if public funding is “envisioned as a key part of events’ success.” Suttle: yes. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:57 AM
MPT @kathietovo: if #atxcouncil oks change in funds, it means +$2m for event. Suttle: state tends to carve back $$ #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:00 AM
.@AdlerForAustin says questions from Susan Moffett spur policy discussions related to major events to 2 #atxcouncil committees #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:02 AM
.@PoolforAustin looking for explanation of how #atxgov involvement impacts event #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 11:03 AM
.@PoolforAustin concerned about attendance data for COTA, echoes King on “fox guarding the henhouse” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:06 AM
.@PoolforAustin also calls on COTA for #atxcouncil briefing. Suttle embraces idea. #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:07 AM
CM Kitchen now into scope of what #atxcouncil committees will address w.r.t COTA/CELOC #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:08 AM
CM Kitchen now into scope of what #atxcouncil committees will address w.r.t COTA/CELOC #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:08 AM
CM Kitchen interested in #atxcouncil appointees to CELOC, open meetings w.r.t. CELOC, and audits. #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:09 AM
.@AdlerForAustin turns to @EllenforAustin for motion on XGames #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:10 AM
.@EllenforAustin amendment would allow CELOC to go w METF funding. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:11 AM
.@EllenforAustin doesn’t think it’s necessary for #atxcouncil to go w $150k in fee waivers for XGames. #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:11 AM
.@Oraatx1 seconds @EllenforAustin amendment #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:12 AM
.@SheriGalloD10 is first in w affordability angle. Wants dialogue about all of that. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:16 AM
CM Zim wants to make @EllenforAustin amendment for just one year of approval. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:17 AM
RT @LillyRockwell: Tovo is digging into economic impact analysis. Do we have outside independent auditors to assess accuracy? #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 11:20 AM
#atxgov w strong-sounding statement on affidavit w.r.t COTA CELOC events data. @kathietovo still pushing for 3rd party review #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 11:21 AM
RT @LillyRockwell: Gonzales: No, but we are looking at it very thoroughly. Notes expense of independent analysis. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 11:22 AM
RT @LillyRockwell: .@PoolforAustin asking about information Eco Dev posts publicly on its website. FWIW, here is that link: April 02, 2015 11:25 AM
#atxcouncil about to hear from CELOC’s Wayne Hollingsworth. @AdlerForAustin trying to keep it all on track. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:26 AM
.@PoolforAustin looking for answers on #atxgov appointment to CELOC. City appoints one ex-officio member. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 11:27 AM
.@Oraatx1 moves to approve striking of last two years on XGames. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:28 AM
LillyRockwell "They are moving to a vote. #atxcouncil"
.@LillyRockwell …ever so slowly April 02, 2015 11:28 AM
#atxcouncil tries to end debate on amendment. Passes but Fails (practically) as @EllenforAustin asks dates struck #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:30 AM
RT @civicanalytics: @LillyRockwell @MKanin @PoolforAustin 100% transparency score from anti-incentive experts @GoodJobsFirst. Austin does t April 02, 2015 11:30 AM
Answer: 16 & 17 from METF–already approved for other funding #atxcouncil #atxgov #headspinning April 02, 2015 11:31 AM
.@Oraatx1 wants #atxcouncil to allow for ’15 & ’16 METF. #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:33 AM
.@Oraatx1 wants #atxcouncil to allow for ’15 & ’16 METF. #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:33 AM
RT @civicanalytics: @LillyRockwell CAPCOG volunteered when incentive policy was rewritten several years ago. City didn’t take us up on it. April 02, 2015 11:33 AM
.@AdlerForAustin looking to frame along @Oraatx1 lines. Sounds like @EllenforAustin is on board? #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:34 AM
.@AdlerForAustin sums it up. Only ’17, in his reading, is out. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:35 AM
CM Kitchen won’t go for amendment w 2016 in. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:35 AM
CM Zim agrees w CM Kitchen. Only wants ’15 in. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:37 AM
.@AdlerForAustin “we’re already pregnant” w.r.t ’16 in. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:38 AM
MPT @kathietovo agrees w CMs Kitchen, Zim. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:38 AM
#atxcouncil removes ’16 & ’17 from XGames endorsement. #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:40 AM
Yeas: 5 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:40 AM
Nays: 6 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:40 AM
RT @LillyRockwell: Vote to stirke 2016/17 passes. Troxclair, Houston, Renteria, Gallo vote no. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 11:40 AM
#atxcouncil then cleans up language in res to reflect only METF strikes #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:42 AM
#atxcouncil now onto vote about XGames endorsement w only authorization for ’15 METF. #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:42 AM
.@GregorioCasar not ready t support short-notice change. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:45 AM
MPT @kathietovo agrees w @GregorioCasar. Says major vote after “extremely abbreviated discussion” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:46 AM
RT @LillyRockwell: Casar: Doesn’t feel comfortable making a change like this on this short of notice. Doesn’t support amended item. #atxcou April 02, 2015 11:46 AM
RT @LillyRockwell: Tovo also won’t support it. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 11:47 AM
4 passes w just ’15 XGames endorsement. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:49 AM
Yeas: 8 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:49 AM
Yeas: 8 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:49 AM
Oops yeas: 7 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:50 AM
Nays: three (pool, Casar, Zim) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:50 AM
Abstains: 1 (Tovo) #atxcouncil #atxgoc April 02, 2015 11:50 AM
Item 5
#atxcouncil moves onto item 5. This is the FF reclass item. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:51 AM
PSC’s Mike Levy up now. Says reclass decreases #atxgov safety via reductions in wild land fire staff. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 11:52 AM
Levy puts FF reclass as ultimately 60+% increase in fire dept mgmt. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:54 AM
CM Zim: hasn’t talked to any rank & file that support reclass. Levy says that’s because of “culture of retaliation” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:54 AM
CMgr Ott dings Levy on not respecting Chief Kerr w.r.t drop of title. Calls Kerr up to defend proposal. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:55 AM
C Mgr Ott also fights back on retaliation statement. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:56 AM
Chief Kerr: “there is not a culture in the Fire Dept that dissuades” speech. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:57 AM
Chief Kerr moves on to wildfire mgmt position: “never” been intent to “take down” division. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:57 AM
chief Kerr: “wildfire isn’t the only area…(where) we protect our citizens.” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:58 AM
Chief Kerr again makes case as a necessary reshuffle for better ops. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 11:59 AM
CM Zim moves to deny FF reclass. #atxcouncil #atxgov @Oraatx1 is the second. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:00 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 looking to get this to committee, it seems. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:01 PM
CM Zim says committee didn’t have enough time. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:01 PM
CX: @SheriGalloD10 was looking for report on committee action here. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:02 PM
CM Zim, CM @GregorioCasar note that committee figured they’d take public input at #atxcouncil meeting. #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:02 PM
CM Zim, CM @GregorioCasar note that committee figured they’d take public input at #atxcouncil meeting. #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:02 PM
.@Oraatx1 is up for letting AFD promotions list expire so #atxcouncil can have full discussion #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:03 PM
Former FF @DGarzaforD2 says she’s conflicted on res. still, believes it’s important to give chief flexibility #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:04 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 says rank and file she’s spoken to a support reclass. #atxcouncil #atxgov #conflict! April 02, 2015 12:05 PM
To recap: CM Zim says he’s talked to only detractors, @DGarzaforD2 only supporters. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:05 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 also says that current issue not related to consent decree. Will vote to approve reclass. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:06 PM
.@PoolforAustin and @d3forpio will also support reclass. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:07 PM
.@Oraatx1 brings her rank & file into it. Says they don’t want reclass “we’ve all been talking to different” FFers. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:07 PM
.@Oraatx1 will support denial of reclass. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:08 PM
So far 2-3, I think, is the count to deny reclass. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:09 PM
RT @AndraCLim: Chief Kerr: We are gaining, not losing capacity, in wildfire prevention #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 12:09 PM
AFD leadership giving its defense of current wildfire mgmt division. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:10 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 takes a softer stand on committee review. Looking for discussion after #atxcouncil FF reclass approval. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:12 PM
.@GregorioCasar will not support denial. Now 2-4, I believe. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:12 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 takes a minute to express concern about loss of wild land fire. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:13 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 suggests that wildfire will be fought by certified WF FFers, no matter passage of item. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:14 PM
CM Zim suggests lack of focus on wildfire mgmt. Chief Kerr fights back. “I did not say (that).” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:17 PM
.@AdlerForAustin will vote against denial. 2-5 now, I think. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:17 PM
Some discussion now about how AWU & AFD interact w WF mgmt. @AdlerForAustin suggests committee. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:18 PM
CM Zim motion fails. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:19 PM
CM Zim motion fails. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:19 PM
Yeas: 2 (Zim, Houston) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:19 PM
Nays: 9 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:19 PM
AFD reclass passes. Yeas: 8 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:20 PM
Nays: 3 (Zim, Troxclair, Houston) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:20 PM
And that marks lunchtime for your @austinmonitor crew #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 12:21 PM
Momentous day: your @austinmonitor team has all ordered pie at lunch. @lizpagano @JoClifton78704 @sunnysone95 #atxfood April 02, 2015 01:40 PM
Item 13
#atxcouncil is back and discussing item 13. #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:21 PM
13 is discussion of bs & cs appointments. At issue here is apparently the nomination of Sharon Blythe to PARD board #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:22 PM
Thus far, lots of support for Blythe from citcom #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:24 PM
.@AdlerForAustin moves to approve all noms aside from Blythe. Explaining why now. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:25 PM
.@AdlerForAustin notes that Blythe is consistent and passionate. Waiting for the turn here…#atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:25 PM
.@AdlerForAustin hints at idea of cemetery advisory group–and place for Blythe there. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:27 PM
CM Zim, who appointed Blythe moves to divide Blythe noms. That’ll happen. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:27 PM
CM Zim moves to approve Blythe nom. @Oraatx1 wants to look closer at cemeteries. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:29 PM
So. Bs&cs noms (aside from Blythe) approved. Yeas: 11 (unanimous) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:30 PM
Blythe noms fails. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:30 PM
Yeas: 1 (CM Zim) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:30 PM
Oops. That’s a motion to ppd Blythe noms. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:31 PM
Yeas: 10 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:31 PM
Yeas: 10 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:31 PM
Nays: 1 (CM Zim) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:32 PM
Item 15
And #atxcouncil moves on to item 15. #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:32 PM
15 is the bbq smoke ban. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:32 PM
First up is neighbor who says that BBQ smoke wipes him out. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:33 PM
He’s for an ordinance, but not this one. Says it doesn’t do anything for issue. Says all they have to do is move 100 ft. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:34 PM
MPT @kathietovo asks speaker what he’d like #ATXCouncil to do. Wants #atxgov to help BBQ w retrofitting smoke output. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:36 PM
Speaker suggests that #atxgov help w cash for retrofits. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 02:36 PM
MPT @kathietovo reminds speaker that res just a start to process. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:37 PM
Hoover Alexander up now. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:37 PM
Alexander notes restauranteurs haven’t had input into process. Says no negative response from his place, Hoover’s #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:39 PM
KathTX "@MKanin Would you say it’s a veritable Who’s Who Of BBQ at Council today?"
.@KathTX I mean… April 02, 2015 02:39 PM
Alexander calls for narrower actions. Wants to continue to “be good citizens.” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:39 PM
.@d3forpio: issue is wider than BBQ, also says that res invites “everyone to the table” to talk (smoked) turkey. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:41 PM
.@d3forpio: “we’re not after anybody” to close. Notes that some folks are having a hard time. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:42 PM
Alexander wants place at table, ability to “contribute” to solution #ATXCouncil #atxgov #foodpuns! April 02, 2015 02:43 PM
Skeeter Miller w County Line up. Also pres of greater Atx rest assn #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:43 PM
Miller also calls for input from restauranteurs. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:44 PM
Miller: “lots of different issues involved” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:45 PM
TerrenceHenry "More Fri headlines? ‘Council Talks (Smoked) Turkey’ [h/t @MKanin] ‘All My Briskets (Still) Live in Texas’ ‘Smoke on the (Troubled) Water’"
.@TerrenceHenry ‘Smoke in The Weeds”? April 02, 2015 02:46 PM
TerrenceHenry "More Fri headlines? ‘Council Talks (Smoked) Turkey’ [h/t @MKanin] ‘All My Briskets (Still) Live in Texas’ ‘Smoke on the (Troubled) Water’"
.@TerrenceHenry ‘Smoke in The Weeds”? April 02, 2015 02:46 PM
MKanin ".@TerrenceHenry ‘Smoke in The Weeds”?"
.@TerrenceHenry “Council Meating”? April 02, 2015 02:47 PM
RT @LillyRockwell: City Council regular Gus Pena up next. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 02:47 PM
mpusto "@TerrenceHenry @MKanin Council resolution was half baked."
.@mpusto @TerrenceHenry one can make it a DC reference if they do “…half smoked” April 02, 2015 02:48 PM
Zilker’s David King up. Endorses process, notes wider concern of smoke impact on res areas has been addressed by other cities. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 02:49 PM
Andrew Hoxima up as member of cleverly-named bbq club up. Supports “amazing bbq places in an urban environment.” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:51 PM
Hoxima also works for CAPCOG clear air group, but not here in that capacity. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:52 PM
Hoxima says specific rules not right idea just yet. Calls for language that would prompt study. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:53 PM
Bruce Hughes up now. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:54 PM
Hughes lives on E 2nd. Speaking specifically about La Barbecue. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:55 PM
Hughes, a bbq fan, says La BBQ “greatly reduced my quality of life.” Suggests Franklin’s, others not as bad as La BBQ #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:57 PM
MPT @kathietovo, CM @d3forpio underscore Hughes point that smoke wasn’t issue until La BBQ moved in. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 02:58 PM
JeffStensland "@MKanin I thought barbecue was parilla in Spanish."
@JeffStensland not my bailiwick, I’m afraid. April 02, 2015 02:59 PM
TerrenceHenry ". @d3forpio just called @la_Barbecue ‘La Bare’ #atxcouncil"
.@TerrenceHenry so very glad that someone else caught that. April 02, 2015 03:01 PM
Frank Castro up now. East side resident with concerns about La BBQ. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:03 PM
RT @LillyRockwell: Castro: I live in the path of untreated, unfiltered smoke. Calls it “horrendous.” #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 03:03 PM
TerrenceHenry "@DanKeshet @austinlabare Franklian slip?"
@TerrenceHenry @DanKeshet so. much. word. play! April 02, 2015 03:03 PM
Resident of Travis Heights(?) nh who lives behind Blacks up. Says stakeholders need to be involved in the discussion. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:06 PM
Resident says height, number of smoke stacks, number of days should be addressed (w stakeholder) input. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:07 PM
RT @mclarkmadison: @MKanin Bouldin Creek (if they live behind Blacks) April 02, 2015 03:07 PM
RT @mclarkmadison: @MKanin Bouldin Creek (if they live behind Blacks) April 02, 2015 03:07 PM
mclarkmadison "@MKanin Bouldin Creek (if they live behind Blacks)"
.@mclarkmadison d’oh. Thx! April 02, 2015 03:08 PM
RT @LillyRockwell: Watts: The 100-feet requirement is arbitrary. I represent homeowners further away who can’t open windows. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 03:08 PM
Says that if Blacks moves 75 ft, they are 105 ft from his property line. Can’t open windows, he says. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:09 PM
RT @LillyRockwell: Watts says his neighbor doesn’t have central AC, and they need to open doors and windows to cool down home. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 03:10 PM
Watts doesn’t like the idea of fans, also notes that a move the other way, blows smoke toward Butler Park. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:11 PM
Watts: “this is very real” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:12 PM
Watts notes that his kid has been sick more this year than last. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:12 PM
RT @LillyRockwell: Photos of smoke near Terry Black’s. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 03:14 PM
MPT @kathietovo calls on Watts to present time lapse video of 12 hours of smoke. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:16 PM
RT @LillyRockwell: Watts: If the city wants to get involved, that’s a good idea rather than going through courts, which favor people with $ April 02, 2015 03:21 PM
CM Zim suggests that Black’s issue is unique, shouldn’t be addressed w “one-size-fits-all” solution. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:22 PM
.@d3forpio moves approval of res. @AdlerForAustin is the second. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:22 PM
.@d3forpio res initiates code amendment, stakeholder review. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:23 PM
.@d3forpio: 11 registered trailers, 4 on Cesar Chavez “trying to get ahead of the problem” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:24 PM
.@d3forpio: “it’s just not right–they’re setting up shop” across from “our neighbors.” Calls it ongoing issue. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:26 PM
.@d3forpio doesn’t want to see “neighbors fighting businesses” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:26 PM
RT @LillyRockwell: CM Renteria said he wanted to start gathering input. Says it has been no secret, ppl should read/watch the news. #atxcou April 02, 2015 03:26 PM
.@d3forpio also brings up chicken bbqs #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:27 PM
.@d3forpio resolution designed to get people working together. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:27 PM
.@d3forpio resolution designed to get people working together. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:27 PM
.@AdlerForAustin offers amendment. #atxcounckl #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:27 PM
.@AdlerForAustin Amendment language turns language toward study, later specificity. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:29 PM
.@AdlerForAustin also wants new code to get to committee before it comes back to #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:30 PM
Sounds like res would go to HHS committee, maybe planning too #ATXCouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:31 PM
.@d3forpio okay w @AdlerForAustin amendment. It’s in. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:31 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 also supportive of @AdlerForAustin version of @d3forpio res. wants economic impact studied. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:32 PM
JeffStensland "@KennyPailes @MKanin Aha! It’s a catchy name."
@JeffStensland Barbara Q Jordan something something meat something April 02, 2015 03:33 PM
And BBQ item will go to HHS, Econ opportunity committees. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:34 PM
TerrenceHenry "Guess live music is being provided by Skrillex for #atxcouncil today"
@TerrenceHenry you are on fire! April 02, 2015 03:35 PM
MPT @kathietovo asks whether smoke rules could be zoning issue. Staff suggests not. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:36 PM
mattlargey "@MKanin @TerrenceHenry Need an ordinance to regulate Terrence today."
.@mattlargey or a proclamation for @TerrenceHenry quippy tweet day? April 02, 2015 03:37 PM
.@Oraatx1 pushing for enough study time to include a host of BBQ joints. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:40 PM
.@EllenforAustin wonders whether @d3forpio has reached out to appropriate owners. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:41 PM
Someone in the gallery is shouting that this is not the case. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:41 PM
.@d3forpio says he’s just reacting to what his constituents have requested. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:42 PM
.@EllenforAustin raises concern that @d3forpio resolution signals eventual sweeping code change. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:42 PM
CM Zim echoes @EllenforAustin sentiments. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:43 PM
DanKeshet "@MKanin Sounds like maybe he reached out to inappropriate owners"
@DanKeshet is that a La Bare joke? April 02, 2015 03:43 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 also has concerns along those of @EllenforAustin, offers change that would make code change less certain. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:45 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 also has concerns along those of @EllenforAustin, offers change that would make code change less certain. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:45 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 amendments accepted. BBQ resolution continues to soften. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:47 PM
RT @LillyRockwell: A lot of these amendments are basically chipping away at barbecue regs, making it more BBQ-restaurant friendly. #atxcoun April 02, 2015 03:48 PM
LillyRockwell "A lot of these amendments are basically chipping away at barbecue regs, making it more BBQ-restaurant friendly. #atxcouncil"
@LillyRockwell there’s a chipped beef joke in there somewhere April 02, 2015 03:49 PM
Amended BBQ res passes yeas: 9 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:50 PM
Nays: 2 (CMs Zim, @EllenforAustin) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:50 PM
Item 20
#atxcouncil moves along to item 20. #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:52 PM
20 is the RFP for solar power. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:52 PM
Kaiba White w Public Citizen up first. Notes Georgetown, PEC moves toward solar options. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:53 PM
CM Zim asks White whether gas plant and solar are tied together. White sticks to solar. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:56 PM
CM Zim now into his explanation of AE has hedging. Says AE has to keep has, solar connected. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:56 PM
White sticks to pro-renewable line: that solar prices are continuing to decline. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 03:57 PM
RT @impactnews_cta: .@la_Barbecue owner LeAnn Mueller said she plans on moving her pits this wkend b/c of complaints from neighbors #ATXcou April 02, 2015 04:00 PM
RT @impactnews_cta: Mueller said the pits for @la_Barbecue will be on top of the new brick and mortar location when they open soon. #ATXcou April 02, 2015 04:01 PM
For the record: 21 folks have signed up to speak on solar generation RFP. All in favor. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:02 PM
David King: solar offering is just an RFP. Suggests it doesn’t lock utility into a deal. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:07 PM
EUC vice chair Karen Hadden (not in that capacity) says she expected solar RFP to be “out the door already” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:10 PM
Paul Robbins up now. Way into details of Danish electric policy vs local #atxgov solar RFP #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 04:13 PM
Robbins: ERCOT intermittent power flexibility will soon be “saturated”; worries that too much solar is not realistic. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:16 PM
CM Zim asks Robbins about importance of dispatchable vs not dispatchable. Shorthand: imbalance = grid crash. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:18 PM
CM Zim asks Robbins about importance of dispatchable vs not dispatchable. Shorthand: imbalance = grid crash. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:18 PM
#CitCom ends on solar RFP. @DGarzaforD2 moves approval. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:29 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 says RFP doesn’t lock #ATXCouncil into any deals, starts a process. And adds information to generation gap study. #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:30 PM
CM Zim turns back to “things set in motion by” prior #ATXCouncil. Doesn’t want to govback on that but also wants chance to weigh in #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:32 PM
CM Zim won’t support. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:33 PM
.@PoolforAustin will support Solar RFP. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:33 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 doesn’t wants to move in direction of renewables but also hears concerns about higher AE bills. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:34 PM
CM Kitchen will support. “What we’re doing here is getting information” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:35 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 notes that all speakers spoke in support of RFP. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:36 PM
.@AdlerForAustin will also support solar RFPs. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:36 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 will also support RFP for solar. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:38 PM
.@EllenforAustin asks staff if there is a cost associated w RFP issuance. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:38 PM
AE says “not significant” staff time involved. Also costs associated w responses. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:39 PM
AE solar RFP passes. Yeas: 10 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:41 PM
Nays: 1 (CM Zim) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:41 PM
Item 21
#atxcouncil moves along to item 21 #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:42 PM
21 is for rules relating to school bus passing tickets. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:42 PM
CM Zim moves to send 21 to public safety committee. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:43 PM
MPT @kathietovo says pilot of bus passing ticket program was “very successful” thinks it’s okay to move ahead. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:43 PM
#atxgov law explains how bus passing ord works: city creates offense, company installs cameras, takes chunk of fines. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:47 PM
#atxgov law explains how bus passing ord works: city creates offense, company installs cameras, takes chunk of fines. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:47 PM
RT @la_Barbecue: @TexasBrewAndBBQ @schnerk @LillyRockwell @tmbbq that would be me… LeAnn. He’s never reached out to me…the owner ;):). April 02, 2015 04:48 PM
Mark Littlefield up to talk about history of bus passing ticket pilot #ATXCouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:50 PM
Littlefield: res passage kicks off formal process. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:51 PM
CM Zim picks up on issues w red light camera operators. Casts as revenue generation machine. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:52 PM
Littlefield portraying issue as lack of APD capability to enforce passing of school buses. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:54 PM
CM Zim suggests that private operators of traffic violation cameras eventually cost munis $$. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 04:55 PM
APD rep on school bus passing: officers can only be in so many places at once. Cameras help w enforcement. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:01 PM
MPT @kathietovo notes document under discussion is just a res, makes discussion ongoing, doesn’t lock in civi offense #ATXCouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:03 PM
Some #ATXCouncil members may be getting confused about difference btwn ord and res. #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:04 PM
CM Zim will vote against bus passing rule kick off. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:06 PM
CM Zim tries to send writing of bus passing ord to PSC. Dies, no second. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:07 PM
#atxcouncil caught up in how public safety committee will review bus passing ord #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:09 PM
And bus passing res passes. Yeas: 11 (unanimous) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:13 PM
Item 26
#atxcouncil quickly passes public hearing settings, moves along to item 26. #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:13 PM
26 is the #atxcouncil staffing item. #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:14 PM
CM Zim offers amendment that would leave mayoral staffing at discretion of mayor. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:15 PM
RT @AndraCLim: By the way, CM Zimmerman is proposing one change: three staffers for the mayor’s office rather than two. More here: http://t April 02, 2015 05:17 PM
CM Zim suggests that up in #ATXCouncil staffing will allow him to answer most constituent concerns same day. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:20 PM
MPT @kathietovo offers and gets amendment that defines temp w.r.t nature of office positions #ATXCouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:23 PM
MPT @kathietovo offers and gets amendment that defines temp w.r.t nature of office positions #ATXCouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:23 PM
RT @AndraCLim: CM Tovo questioning the money needed to fund Zimmerman’s proposal #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 05:23 PM
MPT @kathietovo wonders what additional costs might be associated w new employees. CM Zim doesn’t have figures. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:24 PM
MPT @kathietovo trying to zero in on benefit costs for new #ATXCouncil employees. #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:24 PM
Looks like new #atxcouncil staff would cost #atxgov $1.3m April 02, 2015 05:26 PM
MKanin "Looks like new #atxcouncil staff would cost #atxgov $1.3m"
That’s annualized. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:26 PM
MPT @kathietovo math suggests A&F staffing proposal is slightly less expensive than #ATXCouncil proposal under discussion #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:29 PM
.@EllenforAustin moving to offer slightly lower average cap for new #ATXCouncil staff (53k vs CM salary) #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:31 PM
CM kitchen calling for discretion on staff spending for individual offices. #atxcouncil #atxgov–so questions use of average April 02, 2015 05:32 PM
.@Oraatx1 seconds @EllenforAustin staff cap. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:33 PM
RT @AndraCLim: CM Pool says she prefers the higher salary cap for more flexibility, points out money can be returned to city #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 05:35 PM
CM Zim Notes that #ATXCouncil members don’t have to spend all cash. #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:38 PM
.@EllenforAustin amendment passes yeas: 8 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:39 PM
Nays: 3 (CMs Zim, kitchen; Mayor @AdlerForAustin) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:39 PM
.@DGarzaforD2: many questions about staffing proposal remain. Says she’s grown”increasingly frustrated” about 10-1 hook #ATXCouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:41 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 says staffing proposal is not what 10-1 was about. 10-1 was about wider representation #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:42 PM
.@DGarzaforD2 says hiring more #atxcouncil staff “means nothing” of it takes away resources for other depts #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:42 PM
RT @AndraCLim: CM Garza: “I’m concerned that we’re setting ourselves up for failure.” Adding more staff not going to solve city’s problems. April 02, 2015 05:43 PM
.@DGarzaforD2: “this is govt this is not the private sector” have to live within that reality. #atxcouncil #atxgov will vote no April 02, 2015 05:44 PM
RT @AndraCLim: CM Garza: With 10-1, already added 16 addtl people to serve constituents. This is gov’t, not private sector. We have limits. April 02, 2015 05:44 PM
RT @AndraCLim: CM Garza: With 10-1, already added 16 addtl people to serve constituents. This is gov’t, not private sector. We have limits. April 02, 2015 05:44 PM
RT @juliogatx: City of Austin General Fund budget 14-15: ~854 million
New Council staff = 1.3m annual
1.3m/854m = 0.0015
That’s about on
April 02, 2015 05:44 PM
CM Kitchen will vote yes. “I would not support something that cuts services to people. I would never do that” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:45 PM
New #ATXCouncil staffing proposal, amended passes yeas: 9 #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:46 PM
Nays: 2 (MPT @kathietovo CM @DGarzaforD2) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 05:47 PM
#atxcouncil heads to evening break. #atxgov back in about 45 April 02, 2015 05:48 PM
Stirring on dais. #atxcouncil set to return. #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:01 PM
#atxcouncil back in session. #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:03 PM
Item 27
#atxcouncil on item 27. #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:06 PM
27 is eminent domain item for parking expansion at University Hills Branch Library. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:07 PM
Developer of lot being condemned wants to develop a different plan. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:08 PM
Eminent domain on UHills library passes. Yeas: 8 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:09 PM
Abstains: 1 (CM Zim) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:10 PM
Off the dais: 1 (CM Pool) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:10 PM
#atxcouncil moves along to consent zoning. #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:10 PM
Items 34 & 35 ppd to 6.11, but there is opposition to ppd. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:11 PM
Item 36
Item 36 will be ppd 4.16 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:11 PM
Item 37
Item 37 will be ppd by @DGarzaforD2 for planning committee, animal advisory commission #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:12 PM
Item 33
#atxcouncil moves back to item 33. #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:15 PM
33 is a rezone of Overlook at Spicewood Springs. @PoolforAustin has env concerns. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:16 PM
33 is a rezone of Overlook at Spicewood Springs. @PoolforAustin has env concerns. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:16 PM
.@PoolforAustin will make comments 4 record for later planning purposes. #atxcouncil #atxgov. Comments are from staff re: mitigation rules April 02, 2015 07:17 PM
.@PoolforAustin concerned about environmental features on site at 33. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:22 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 moves approval of 33 on 2nd & 3rd readings. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:22 PM
Item passes yeas: 7 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:23 PM
Nays: 2 CM Kitchen, @PoolforAustin #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:23 PM
Off the dais: 1 (Troxclair) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:24 PM
#atxcouncil moves along to items 34 & 35. Ppd request in. NH against. #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:24 PM
Developer rep in 34& 35 looking for ppd to negotiate access w neighbor “to alleviate” traffic issues. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:25 PM
34&35 is for the Little Walnut Creek project #ATXCouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:26 PM
Sammy Easterday (?) up to speak against ppd. Says project ppd four times already. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:26 PM
“Many of us have worked very hard for a very long time on this”–Easterday. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:27 PM
.@Oraatx1 moves to hear case tonight. Seconded by CM Zim. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:30 PM
That passes. Yeas: 10 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:30 PM
Staff begins presentation. Would change FLUM from office to mixed use. #atxcouncil #atxgov PC said no. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:32 PM
Staff supports residential use, despite the fact that they would “normally not” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:33 PM
If approved, project would ok a series of “detached condominiums” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:35 PM
MPT @kathietovo: PC vote?Staff: 2 reasons for denial. Some thought office was appropriate, some too much MF in nh. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:36 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 asks @Oraatx1 of the area needs more housing. CM Houston: No, need more businesses. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:37 PM
Developer rep back up on 33. Says only interest is in residential. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:39 PM
Developer rep back up on 33. Says only interest is in residential. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:39 PM
Dev rep: 1500-1800 units in project. Says very few will be rental. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:41 PM
Dev rep: also offered to cap project at 110 town home units. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:42 PM
jenniferinc "@MKanin mysterious"
@jenniferinc Lots of FFers to talk to, maybe? April 02, 2015 07:43 PM
@PoolforAustin worries about site access. Suggest large scale development could offer choked access point. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:45 PM
Dev rep: also notes that he expected to have this style of conversation w NH. Implies that never happened. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:45 PM
jenniferinc "@MKanin maybe…but the unanimity makes me wonder about the sample size lol"
@jenniferinc word April 02, 2015 07:46 PM
MPT @kathietovo trying to home in on target market. Dev rep says “fair number of families” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:47 PM
MPT @kathietovo also pushing for educational impact statement on project. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:48 PM
.@Oraatx1 wonders if entry/exit will be large enough for developer. #atxcouncil #atxgov Dev rep: I doubt they’ll want to pick up on 290. April 02, 2015 07:49 PM
.@Oraatx1 now into trips per day. Wants to understand how staff landed on 600 trips. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:50 PM
Staff: roughly 67 trips per unit. Based on accepted formulas #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:51 PM
MKanin "Staff: roughly 67 trips per unit. Based on accepted formulas #atxcouncil #atxgov"
That’s 6-7 trips per unit, not 67 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:52 PM
CM Zim asks Dev rep how much it’s cost to hold dirt. Answer: $50k annually. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:54 PM
Opposition up next. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:54 PM
jenniferinc "@MKanin #screenshot"
@jenniferinc that’s why we do what we do April 02, 2015 07:55 PM
First point by NH rep Sammy Easterday: that Coronado Hills is “pretty dense already” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:56 PM
Easterday backing the notion of office development as sound mitigation (re: 183/290). #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 07:59 PM
Easterday: Coronado Hills/ St Johns two separate NHs, each NH designed it’s own FLUM #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:00 PM
Easterday: w project as designed, issues will lead to traffic-related injuries/death. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:01 PM
Easterday: w project as designed, issues will lead to traffic-related injuries/death. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:01 PM
Bonnie Turick (?) up. Suggests that busy highway is inappropriate for family-style housing. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:04 PM
Speaker also concerned w impact of additional traffic w.r.t. residential project. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:08 PM
.@AdlerForAustin sums traffic issue: choke point at driveway on frontage road. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:11 PM
.@AdlerForAustin working on comparing pros/cons of residential v office. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:11 PM
.@Oraatx1 says Reagan High adds to traffic concerns at property. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:16 PM
.@AdlerForAustin trying to figure out traffic delta w.r.t. Office v #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:18 PM
Neighbor: existing conditions are also bad. Adds that commercial traffic doesn’t cause same traffic “surge” as res. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:18 PM
CM Zim: developers want to do something. Also looking toward highest and best use. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:19 PM
David Eastday up now, continuing against argument. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:22 PM
PS: @lizpagano has an awesome BBQ headline cookin’ April 02, 2015 08:31 PM
Property rep: Majid Hamasi (sp?) up. Says: reverse everything. What if I was asking for an office building? #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:34 PM
Property owning says traffic, safety not an issue compared to office building. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:36 PM
Also, says owner, no one wants property for office building. #atxcouncil #atxgov adds: office zoning there only 2 ensure that nothing built April 02, 2015 08:37 PM
breathesgelatin "@JBriggeman @MKanin JASON. my love. this is proposed for an access road, I think. #OverTheRainbow"
@breathesgelatin @JBriggeman I think this is about a curb cut to the 290 access road? April 02, 2015 08:37 PM
.@GregorioCasar into history: zoned? Dev rep answer: came in in middle of FLUM process. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:41 PM
JBriggeman "@breathesgelatin @MKanin Has anyone asked the BANANAs if they’d be okay with housing *between* a highway and an access road? #ATXideas"
@JBriggeman @breathesgelatin BANANA = acronym? April 02, 2015 08:42 PM
@JBriggeman ohhhhhhhhhhhh April 02, 2015 08:44 PM
MPT @kathietovo looking for zoning history. Ever residential? Doesn’t sound like it. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:47 PM
.@AdlerForAustin circles back 2trip difference, office vs res. no solid numbers. #atxcouncil #atxgov BUT it sounds like office would be more April 02, 2015 08:49 PM
.@AdlerForAustin circles back 2trip difference, office vs res. no solid numbers. #atxcouncil #atxgov BUT it sounds like office would be more April 02, 2015 08:49 PM
Dev says he could do office building w2-5k autos. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:52 PM
.@PoolforAustin moves to deny zoning change. #atxcouncil #atxgov @Oraatx1 April 02, 2015 08:55 PM
.@GregorioCasar sees opportunity, difficulties w site. Looking for first reading approval for more time. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:58 PM
CM Zim: wants to see project move forward. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:58 PM
.@AdlerForAustin also conflicted. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 08:59 PM
CM Kitchen also looking to pass on first reading. #atxcouncil #atxgov has concerns about nh worries April 02, 2015 09:00 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 also seems ready to move project forward. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:01 PM
Looks like this sucker is ticketed for approval on 1st reading. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:05 PM
MPT @kathietovo remembers discussion that may have been about this tract during #ATXCouncil passage of Coronado/St Johns Plan #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:07 PM
Motion to deny 34&35 fails. Yeas: 2 (Houston & Pool) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:09 PM
Nays:9 #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:09 PM
Vote coming on 34&35. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:09 PM
First reading, that is. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:10 PM
#atxcouncil currently getting clarity about how it can open/close public hearings. #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:13 PM
34&35 passes on 1st reading. Public hearing will remain open. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:14 PM
Yeas: 11 (unanimous). #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:14 PM
#atxcouncil getting ready to head to last items of tonight. #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:16 PM
.@PoolforAustin wants to vote on AHFC. cM Zim wants to pull items. CM pool needs to leave and so we do AHFC #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:17 PM
#atxcouncil still has Zucker report items to get to. #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:26 PM
#atxcouncil still has Zucker report items to get to. #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:26 PM
& that’s were we go now. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:26 PM
CMGR Ott leads off briefing. About providing context for Zucker, current and historical. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:27 PM
“We arrive here based on a history that is significant and complex”–CMGR Ott. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:28 PM
Here’s the front page on the Zucker slide deck. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:29 PM
So this is item briefing… #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:29 PM
Rodney Gonzalez opens up. Calls process “storied” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:30 PM
Gonzalez: many issues not new, known. #atxcouncil @atxgov April 02, 2015 09:31 PM
Gonzalez: some issues result from interactions btwn NHs, developers, environmentalists. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:32 PM
“All hands have been on deck for sometime” working to improve process–Gonzalez #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:33 PM
Gonzalez underscores idea that code rewrite is necessary if any other changes are to stick. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:33 PM
Gonzalez into familiar details about issues w complex existing code. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:34 PM
Gonzalez holds up Philly code as positive example. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:37 PM
Some emphasis on notion that current mgmt inherited a tough situation. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:39 PM
Also, very clear that Gonzalez is reading from what one might call a tight script. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:39 PM
Gonzalez now into progress since ’13. See below photo. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:42 PM
Gonzalez script: “our work is not yet done” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:45 PM
Gonzalez also cites San Antonio process, infrastructure as positive example. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:46 PM
Presentation concludes. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:46 PM
With that, @AdlerForAustin moves to adopt res attached to 14. Speakers coming. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:47 PM
With that, @AdlerForAustin moves to adopt res attached to 14. Speakers coming. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:47 PM
Stuart Harry Hersh up. “There is a culture problem at the city of Austin” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:52 PM
Stuart Harry Hersh invokes a bit of religion (Moses, Red Sea metaphor) harkens back to #atxcouncil interaction w CM Zim. #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:54 PM
.@HGerbracht w @RECA_Austin up. Offers org’s full support of resolution. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 09:58 PM
.@HGerbracht: @RECA_Austin wants to be partners w #atxgov. Hits on expedited permitting. Angling toward it. #atxcouncil April 02, 2015 10:00 PM
Speakers wrap. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:00 PM
RT @DanKeshet: @MKanin the lack of acknowledgement of the depth of the breakdown in this title slide troubles me April 02, 2015 10:02 PM
.@GregorioCasar moves passage w amendment (see redlines below). #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:02 PM
RT @DanKeshet: @MKanin I would’ve gone with: “we heard you. We have problems. Let’s talk about how to fix them.” April 02, 2015 10:02 PM
.@AdlerForAustin seems generally receptive of @GregorioCasar amendments. Looks to be moving stuff around a bit. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:03 PM
.@AdlerForAustin angling toward including CMGR involved a bit more explicitly in @GregorioCasar’s amendment. Accepted. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:06 PM
.@SheriGalloD10 calls for timeline on ongoing projects in #atxgov pipeline. That’s coming #ATXCouncil April 02, 2015 10:09 PM
.@Oraatx1 asks if 30 days is too short for plan. CMGR Ott: Nope. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:10 PM
.@AdlerForAustin cites what he’d heard on campaign trail, PDR backlog, underscores “significant issue in this community” #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:14 PM
CMGR Ott welcomes opportunity to deal w issues. Says #atxgov has “solid foundation” in place to improve process. #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:14 PM
14 passes. Yeas: 9 (unanimous) April 02, 2015 10:15 PM
Off the dais: 2 (Troxclair, Pool) #atxcouncil #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:15 PM
That’ll do it for #ATXCouncil for tonight. Thanks for tuning in! #atxgov April 02, 2015 10:16 PM
DanKeshet "@MKanin I missed the testimony, but did he mention the ZR found the worst satisfaction scores Zucker has ever found? #step1admityourproblems"
@DanKeshet I did not catch a mentiln April 02, 2015 10:29 PM
TakeBackATX "@MKanin longish indeed! Thanks for the excellent coverage"
.@TakeBackATX thanks for keepin up w us! April 02, 2015 10:59 PM