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Tag Archives: AISD Board of Trustees

Voters will choose Austin ISD school board trustee to represent entire district in runoff election

Voters living within Austin ISD’s boundaries will elect a new school board member after none of the six candidates running for at-large position 8 got enough votes to win the Nov. 5 election outright. Fernando Lucas de Urioste and Lindsey Stringer, the…

As voters weigh higher tax rate for Austin public schools, group of former trustees raises concerns

Voters are deciding whether to approve a tax rate increase that would generate new revenue for Central Texas’ largest public school district as it grapples with a $119 million budget deficit. Austin Independent School District officials have said that shortfall…

Austin ISD school board approves deficit budget as recapture payment nears $1 billion

The Austin ISD Board of Trustees has adopted a deficit budget for the next fiscal year, which starts July 1. The vote happened a little before 1 a.m. Friday. The deficit was not a surprise. Back in May, the board approved significant…

Austin ISD is looking for a new superintendent. The school board says community input is key.

The Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees is hammering out the details for its superintendent search. Trustees held a board retreat Monday with GR Recruiting, the search firm it hired last month to help find the district’s next leader. The meeting…

Austin ISD school board approves protections for construction workers ahead of bond election

The Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees has signed off on a resolution to improve labor standards for any construction projects on district property. The board approved the measure at a meeting Thursday. The trustees passed the measure ahead of the…

'I’m pretty speechless': Austin ISD school board unanimously approves equity-focused bond

The Austin ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously on Thursday to put a $2.44 billion bond on the November ballot. It is the largest bond package in AISD history, but district officials and school board members say what makes the…

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Poll suggests support for unions and sustainability in AISD

The Austin Independent School District Board of Trustees will vote today on the bond proposals they’d like to advance onto November’s ballot. While both of the bond proposal options the administration recently debuted include a number of improvements to local…

AISD Board of Trustees reckons with mounting constraints in preliminary budget outline

The Austin ISD Board of Trustees was up late last Thursday bracing for a challenging budget cycle in coming months. Chief Financial Officer Eduardo Ramos closed the marathon information session with a presentation outlining preliminary revenues and expenditures for the…

Superintendent's evaluation sparks heated testimony on district's working conditions

The AISD Board of Trustees faced a grueling round of public testimony at their meeting this past Thursday, with more than a dozen teachers calling in to express intolerable levels of stress. Citing administrative micromanagement, understaffing, excessive hours and poor…

Austin ISD votes to switch mental health provider

The Austin ISD Board of Trustees has voted unanimously to switch the school district’s campus mental health provider to Gramercy Specialty Clinic.  The current partner, Vida Clinic, has begun to transition out. In order to ensure that services continue without disruption, Gramercy…

Austin ISD Board of Trustees postpones vote on real estate consulting services

Four Austin ISD school closures in one year has left parents worried about the district’s renewed interest in seeking real estate consulting services for its properties. Fearing more closures, concerned parents called in to ask for postponement of the vote…

Four seats on the Austin ISD school board are up for election. Here's who's running.

Four seats on the nine-member board of the Austin Independent School District are up for election in November. The school board is a group of volunteers who oversee policies and finances in the district. They approve the yearly budget, hire…

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