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Tag Archives: AURA

Despite consensus, park dedication fees delayed

To the apparent disappointment of all sides, a long-lingering proposal to change the city’s Parkland Dedication Fees was postponed by City Council on Thursday. Council Member Leslie Pool pushed for the postponement of the changes and explained that she needed…

Debate continues over parkland dedication changes

Both sides of the debate over a new Parkland Dedication Ordinance stayed late into the night to state their cases Thursday. In the end, City Council voted to approve the ordinance 10-1 on first reading at 2:25 a.m. Council Member…

Council puts off vote on parkland fees

Last week, City Council postponed action on a staff proposal that would significantly increase parkland dedication fees for developers of most new residential developments, with fees dependent on density. Staff brought forth the proposal after more than a year of…

AURA, UT group want to tear down wall, plant trees

Tear down that (West Campus) wall. The West Campus Wall – which runs along much of the University of Texas’ western edge, separating the campus from Guadalupe Street – has long been a symbol of UT’s isolation from the rest…

Transit priority lanes considered for the Drag

Close to half of all rush-hour travelers through the Drag may go by bus, and the busy corridor’s future may include dedicated bus lanes, commissioners learned at Tuesday’s Urban Transportation Commission meeting. The Austin Transportation Department is studying ways to improve…

Austin Monitor Radio, Show 22

Brennan Griffin and Amy Hartman of AURA join Monitor publisher Mike Kanin to talk about the past, present, and future of the organization. Link below.

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AURA accuses Project Connect of funding political ads for urban rail

Project Connect’s ubiquitous summer media spots about its proposed urban rail project have drawn fire from the transit activist group AURA, which calls the ads unethical. The group says the ads are a political advertising campaign funded by taxpayer dollars.…

City Finance Committee compares notes with CapMetro on rail costs

With an upcoming rail bond election almost certainly on the horizon, the city continues to take a closer look at what a new urban rail system might mean. A special called meeting gave the Austin City Council’s Audit and Finance…

Council to consider upping fine for blocking new priority bus lanes

Austin City Council members will consider whether to implement significantly increased fines for vehicles parked illegally in designated transit priority lanes Thursday. The measure would allow traffic officials to impose up to a $500 fine on vehicles left in lanes…

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