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Tag Archives: CAMPO Transportation Policy Board

Three City Council members join “Wider Won't Work” rally against I-35 expansion

Three City Council members spoke Sunday at the Rethink35 “Wider Won’t Work” rally against the Interstate 35 Capital Express project. Those in attendance at Sanchez Elementary School included Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis, who is chair of Council’s Mobility Committee,…

CAMPO board authorizes consultant to assist in drafting 2050 Regional Transportation Plan

The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board voted on Monday to authorize negotiations on an assistance contract for the 2050 Regional Transportation Plan. The RTP is the long-range planning document that outlines the goals, strategies, and objectives of…

CAMPO begins refund process for postponed transit projects

Most of the discussion at the Oct. 11 Transportation Policy Board meeting of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization centered around the possibility of refunding a handful of projects that were deferred because of the Interstate 35 expansion project. Ryan Collins,…

CAMPO approves TxDOT’s Unified Transportation Program

On Monday, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board unanimously approved the resubmission of some previously deferred projects into the Texas Department of Transportation’s Unified Transportation Program. Several projects were added back to the list after TxDOT delayed…

CAMPO chooses not to accept Regional Arterials Study

The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s 2045 Regional Arterials Study was renamed and heavily critiqued by the Transportation Policy Board on Monday. The $1.5 million study is a big-picture transportation modeling exercise that was intended to serve as a kind…

State transportation performance goals suggest lack of government solutions

Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Transportation Policy Board caught a glimpse of a potentially bleak future in Texas transportation during a routine procedure at the board’s Monday evening meeting. In line with the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st…

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Transportation Improvement Program costs continue to rise

The Transportation Policy Board discussed amendments made to the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization 2017-2020 Transportation Improvement Plan at its meeting Monday night. Among the top concerns mentioned were the continuous cost increases such amendments entail. Resident Kelly Davis cited…

Potential train wreck ahead for Lone Star Rail

It could be the end of the line for the Lone Star Rail District. On Monday, the moribund commuter rail project could see its funding from the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization frozen by that agency’s Transportation Policy Board. According…

Council formally weighs in on MoPac South plan

After weeks of mounting tension over what many call a “double-decking” of MoPac Expressway over Lady Bird Lake, City Council has formally asked the regional transportation planning body to modify a proposal to add four express lanes to a section…

Opposition to MoPac lanes grows stronger

Opposition to the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan is escalating as members of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board prepare to take a final vote on the long-range plan next week. City of Austin and Travis County officials…

Austin representative takes on transportation

As the only member of the Texas House Transportation Committee hailing from Austin, freshman Democratic Rep. Celia Israel has vowed to bring the region’s gridlock woes to the Capitol. She recently told the Austin Monitor about a few of the…

MoPac South may only work with raised ramp

Whether it includes two or four express lanes, a proposed MoPac South expansion project would likely require the elevated ramp over Lady Bird Lake that has caused a stir in recent weeks. That is what Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority…

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