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Tag Archives: CAMPO Transportation Policy Board
Travis Commissioners split over CAMPO 2040 Plan
Discontent over a landmark transportation plan drove Travis County Commissioners to draw distinct battle lines Tuesday between two competing visions. The hour-long discussion on the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s developing 2040 Regional Transportation Plan featured a rare crack in…
Roads • By Caleb Pritchard • Apr 1, 2015
Critics say CAMPO 2040 Plan doomed to fail
Those wondering what Austin-area roads might look like in 25 years need look no further than the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan. Many of those who have, it seems, do not like what they see. The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization…
Roads • By Tyler Whitson • Mar 19, 2015
CAMPO says buses should skip highway traffic
Most highway drivers resist the urge to cruise alongside a traffic jam on the route’s shoulder — it is illegal, not to mention rude. Some buses in Texas, however, may soon get a pass to jump the line. The Capital…
Hays County • By Tyler Whitson • Mar 16, 2015
CTRMA plans to add express lanes to MoPac South
A proposal to add four tolled lanes to MoPac Expressway, including two elevated lanes, raised concerns Monday from Travis County Commissioner Brigid Shea and others during a Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board meeting. “I don’t think there’s…
Transportation • By Tyler Whitson • Mar 11, 2015
Council members get their assignments
On Monday, Mayor Steve Adler released a document naming the proposed City Council committee and intergovernmental body appointments, populating the 10 Council committees for the first time. The appointments are on the agenda for the upcoming Council meeting, and they…
City Council • By Elizabeth Pagano • Feb 10, 2015
CAMPO board OKs list of future transit projects
The Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board approved a recommended list of regional transit projects Monday, including a commuter rail line from Elgin to Austin and multiple new MetroRapid Bus routes, to prioritize for potential funding under its…
Austin • By Gene Davis • Dec 10, 2014
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CAMPO weakens bicycle, pedestrian funding
Despite repeated objections from Austin City Council Member Chris Riley, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board voted Monday to soften a policy that directs federal funds toward bicycle and pedestrian projects under a proposed long-range plan. The…
Austin • By Gene Davis • Nov 12, 2014
Report: Drivers delayed 26 million vehicle hours
If you think you are spending a lot of time sitting on Austin’s roads going nowhere, you are right. In fact, you are contributing to the city’s 26 million vehicle-hours a year of traffic delays, according to a Texas A&M…
Transportation • By Alex Dropkin • Oct 14, 2014
Money questions continue to divide members of CAMPO Board
Worries that local funding policies might not meet federal requirements were front and center at the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting Monday night. Earlier this year, CAMPO’s Transportation Policy Board set up a funding mechanism to distribute $104…
Local Government • By Elizabeth Pagano • Mar 19, 2014
CAMPO puts $28 million in transportation funding up for grabs
The City of Austin will have to battle six counties and the cities within them for a chance at a chunk of more than $28 million up for grabs for transportation projects in the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s service…
Local Government • By Andy Sevilla • Nov 21, 2013
Leffingwell votes against climate protection clause in CAMPO plan
Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell found himself Wednesday defending a controversial vote to take references to climate protection and greenhouse gas emissions out of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s 2040 plan. Leffingwell told In Fact Daily that he cast his…