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Tag Archives: Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority
CTRMA approves plush FY 2016 budget
The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority board of directors unanimously accepted the 2016 fiscal year budget Wednesday, and it is expecting to have about 123 percent of operating expenditures in reserves by June 30 next year. Chief Financial Officer Bill…
Roads • By Courtney Griffin • Jul 7, 2015
CTRMA hears SH45 SW impact may be overblown
While many public entities have already voiced their concerns about State Highway 45 Southwest’s possible environmental consequences, a consultant with the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority said the anxiety might be misplaced. At Wednesday’s regular meeting, Michael Barrett presented CTRMA’s…
Roads • By Courtney Griffin • Jul 2, 2015
Adler pulls MoPac South express lane amendment
Without assurance that his proposed language change wouldn’t put the brakes on the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s 2040 Regional Transportation Plan, Mayor Steve Adler withdrew an amendment at Monday’s Transportation Policy Board meeting intended to clarify the description of…
Transportation • By Tyler Whitson • Jun 9, 2015
CAMPO adopts 2040 Regional Transportation Plan
Austin’s history of doubling its population every 25 years or so presents a huge challenge to regional elected officials trying to predict the area’s future transportation needs. Despite this issue, the Transportation Policy Board of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning…
Roads • By Tyler Whitson • May 12, 2015
Council formally weighs in on MoPac South plan
After weeks of mounting tension over what many call a “double-decking” of MoPac Expressway over Lady Bird Lake, City Council has formally asked the regional transportation planning body to modify a proposal to add four express lanes to a section…
Roads • By Tyler Whitson • May 8, 2015
Council debates MoPac express lane resolution
Amid mounting opposition to a proposal to add four tolled express lanes to a section of South MoPac Expressway, City Council is considering a resolution that would ask the region’s planning organization to cut the project from its 2040 Regional…
Roads • By Tyler Whitson • May 6, 2015
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Opposition to MoPac lanes grows stronger
Opposition to the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan is escalating as members of the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Policy Board prepare to take a final vote on the long-range plan next week. City of Austin and Travis County officials…
Roads • By Audrey McGlinchy, KUT • May 4, 2015
Reporter's Notebook: Pressley deposed
Pressley denies bad press caused election loss … Former City Council candidate Laura Pressley believes that errors made by Travis County, not the bad publicity she received before last November’s election and the December runoff, were the reasons that she…
Reporters' Notebook • By Elizabeth Pagano • Apr 27, 2015
CTRMA approves MoPac/Cesar Chavez study
The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority is taking a closer look at potential trouble spots on the proposed MoPac South Improvement Project, but not at the level some residents had hoped. At its regular meeting Wednesday, CTRMA’s board unanimously authorized the…
Roads • By Courtney Griffin • Apr 23, 2015
County asks for 'loop' road project studies
Travis County is asking the area’s transportation authorities to step back and take a look at the big picture. In a controversial 2-1 vote, the Travis County Commissioners Court is asking the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority to institute broader studies.…
Environment • By Courtney Griffin • Apr 22, 2015
CTRMA hopes variable tolls change driving habits
An official with the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority hopes that variable tolls on proposed express lanes on MoPac Boulevard will serve as an incentive to commuters to change their driving habits. CTRMA’s Rick L’Amie says Capital Metro buses and…
Roads • By Audrey McGlinchy, KUT • Apr 21, 2015
Land Committee concerned over Zilker Park lanes
In response to pushback from members of the Land, Facilities and Program Committee last week, engineers said they are open to reconsidering the placement of elevated express toll lanes proposed as part of a MoPac South expansion plan. As the…