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Tag Archives: City of Austin Board of Adjustment

No-show at the Board of Adjustment almost gets denied variance

For the second month in a row, the case of 4913 Avenue G came before the Board of Adjustment, and for the second time, it was postponed due to logistics. Although last month the case was postponed due to issues…

ExtraSpace Storage sign

Board of Adjustment denies variance for storage center sign

These days, a roadway sign is no longer the sole indicator of a business’ location, but merely confirmation that Google Maps did indeed lead to the desired location. “In the day of Google Maps … once you’ve been there, you…

BoA fee adjustments cause high tempers

On Oct. 1 of this year, the Development Services Department enacted a new set of fees for those looking to come before the Board of Adjustment to have the board hear their applications for a code variance. Although increases are…

Board of Adjustment postpones Travis Heights ADU case, again

Citing neighborly discord, the Board of Adjustment postponed for the third time a variance request to treat an already-standing 1930s bungalow as an accessory dwelling unit. In a creative solution to add more density and square footage to a lot,…


Board of Adjustment fails to grant 'ugly' variance

On occasion, members of a neighborhood find a redevelopment project to be such an eyesore that they use it as their case as to why it shouldn’t be built in the first place. “We don’t need any more ugly. We’ve…

lot plan

BoA considers a quirky corner case

Sometimes, a permit can be granted or revoked based on a four-degree angle. “Even though I’m at an intersection, the city does not consider this a corner lot,” Joshua Lien, the owner of 14000 Echo Lane, explained to the Board…

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Norwood Park Boulevard

For grandfathered signs, the proof is in the permitting

Occasionally, despite one’s best intentions to provide the right board or commission with the proper permitting to ensure a smooth continuation of a project, a request is presented incorrectly. “I’m not sure that this item is properly before the board,” Assistant…

board of adjustment

Should Board of Adjustment have outside counsel?

Two members of the city’s Board of Adjustment argued strenuously in favor of providing outside legal counsel for the board when it is interpreting city code, but the assistant city attorney who has been advising the board for several years…

Cellphone tower ruffles Board of Adjustment

Sometimes, if you don’t know what to do, you have to ask. Vincent Huebinger, representing Crown Castle International and Dean Davidov in a request to relocate a single-antenna cellphone tower to another location at 610 1/2 Kenniston Drive on the…

Board of Adjustment says yes to South Lamar student housing

On July 9, the Board of Adjustment approved the construction of a small university dormitory in the South Lamar neighborhood, despite the concerns of some neighbors that the proposed facility could create parking shortages on a narrow neighborhood street. The…

For CodeNEXT, signs of changes to come

CodeNEXT, Austin’s attempt to reform and simplify its Land Development Code, has been a lightning rod for controversy. Activists see the code, which controls everything from how high buildings can be built, how far back their foundations must be from…

park centre

Views along scenic RM 2222 to remain unspoiled

At the July 9 Board of Adjustment meeting, the board rejected a variance request to adorn a scenic roadway with a monument. Park Centre, an office park located at 8601 RM 2222, sought to construct an additional “monument sign” for a…

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