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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Planning Commission gives developer and neighbors more time to break ‘impasse’

The developers of a small East Austin mixed-use project will have to keep talking it out with concerned neighbors to resolve their differences. The Planning Commission, after trying and failing to break the “impasse” between the developer and several neighbors,…

Planning Commission recommends PUD zoning for Brackenridge Hospital tract

The Planning Commission Tuesday recommended Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning for the tract that was formerly home to Brackenridge Hospital, bringing one of the biggest downtown redevelopment projects one step closer to design and construction. Owner Central Health is planning…

City gains parkland along Williamson Creek, but access proves tricky

The Planning Commission tried to settle a dispute Tuesday over public park access between the Parks and Recreation Department and the developer of a South Congress multifamily project. When finding the best solution for both parties proved elusive, commissioners blamed the…

Planning Commission backs apartments on St. Andrew's School property

The Planning Commission last Tuesday backed rezoning a portion of land owned by St. Andrew’s School in Southwest Austin, bringing a proposed 295-unit apartment project one step closer to fruition. The school aims to rezone a 15-acre slice of its…

Planning Commission recommends newest Foundation Communities project

The Planning Commission has backed the latest project by local affordable housing developer Foundation Communities, recommending Multifamily-Moderate Density (MF-4) zoning for an 8-acre, church-owned property at 2105 Parker Lane in Southeast Austin. The Parker Apartments will offer 135 units affordable…

Planning Commission recommends 400-unit VMU project at Airport and Springdale 

A 400-unit apartment project at 3707 Goodwin Ave. took another step toward approval last Tuesday after receiving Planning Commission support for vertical-mixed use (VMU) zoning.  “This is a simple, straightforward VMU zoning case,” said David Hartman, representing the applicant, “but…

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Planning Commission throws support behind Springdale Green development

The Planning Commission last Tuesday recommended rezoning a 30-acre brownfield site in East Austin to make way for Springdale Green, a proposed 800,000-square-foot, mixed-use development. The commission voted 7-4 to support Planned Unit Development zoning, though only at the current…

Planning Commission picks favorite Dougherty design option

On Tuesday, the Planning Commission weighed in on preliminary design options for the relocated Dougherty Arts Center, adding an important recommendation to feedback already collected from other boards, commissions and community members. The community arts center is currently located in…

Council makes Planning Commission appointments this week

City Council is making clear to those concerned – including Attorney General Ken Paxton – that it will absolutely abide by a city charter provision that requires two-thirds of all planning commissioners to be lay members. Paxton has sued previous…

Planning Commission recommends making Chalmers Avenue block car-free

The Planning Commission said at its Feb. 9 meeting that the city should allow Chalmers Avenue between East Third and East Fourth streets to become a car-free zone, with pedestrian and bike paths and green space replacing the asphalt. The…

Planning Commission recommends rezoning for East Austin townhome project

The Planning Commission last week backed a request to rezone a vacant East Austin tract at 4908 Lott Ave. to allow 62 townhomes – including five income-restricted units. Michael Whellan, who was representing the applicant, said that because the current…

South First multifamily project gets Planning Commission support

A 260-unit apartment proposal at 6311 S. First St. moved one step closer to construction after the Planning Commission recommended rezoning the vacant site at its Feb. 9 meeting. The new zoning allows the developer to add more units, including…

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