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Tag Archives: City of Austin Planning Commission

Planning commissioners: We’re not building enough affordable housing

Planning commissioners expressed concern this week about the lack of progress made toward the city’s affordable housing production goals. The discussion followed a presentation of the recently released Strategic Housing Blueprint Scorecard, which shows how much affordable housing has been…

Planning Commission urges more housing in Montopolis

Last week the Planning Commission voted 8-4 to recommend rezoning 1013-1017 Montopolis Drive to accommodate higher-density residences, paving the way for multi-story residences like apartments and condos. Thrower Design applied to rezone the undeveloped 3.12-acre lot from single-family (SF-3) to…

Planning Commission recommends rezoning Delta Kappa Gamma building to make way for tower

Paving the way for a proposed 31-story residential tower on the site of the historic Delta Kappa Gamma building at 416 W. 12th St., the Planning Commission voted 11-0-1 last Tuesday to recommend the requested Downtown Mixed-Use (DMU) zoning. The…

Planning Commission grants variance for ‘innovative’ office proposal

The Planning Commission on Tuesday approved an environmental variance for an office project at 1514 W. Koenig Lane, but not before working through the details of city environmental requirements that make developing the site tricky. Applicant Joel Levine plans to…

Council approves church land use, zoning requests

City Council has granted initial approval to a series of land use and zoning changes for the David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in the Chestnut neighborhood of East Austin. The church, located at 2211 E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,…

Planning Commission recommends rezoning part of Baker School property historic, in break with landmark commission

At its Nov. 24 meeting, the Planning Commission voted to zone part of the Baker School property historic, embracing a staff-supported recommendation to omit historic zoning for the surrounding parking lots. The vote represented a break with the position of…

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Planning Commission approves zoning, land use changes for Govalle project

The Planning Commission has approved zoning and future land use map changes for a mixed-use project in the Govalle area of East Austin. A developer wanted to change the future land use map from commercial and single-family to mixed-use for…

Planning Commission approves vertical mixed use on South Congress

Last week the Planning Commission approved a rezoning for a new multifamily project at 4329 S. Congress Ave. between State Highway 71 and St. Elmo Road. Through the vote, commissioners recommended adding a Vertical Mixed-Use Building combining district to the site’s…

Planning Commission postpones 'Statesman' tract cases

In its Oct. 27 meeting, the Planning Commission indefinitely postponed consideration of neighborhood plan amendment and rezoning cases related to transforming the Austin American-Statesman site at 305 S. Congress Ave. A development team wants to redevelop the newspaper’s downtown property…

Domain substation may compromise Red Line Trail

Austin Energy needs a new substation to serve the population growth around the Domain and the utility already owns a site in an ideal location for that purpose. However, the Public Works Department’s Urban Trails team has been eyeing that…

Planning Commission approves Crestview townhouse project

The Planning Commission on Tuesday evening approved future land use and zoning changes for a townhouse project in the Crestview neighborhood of North Austin. Commissioners approved rezoning about three-quarters of an acre at 902 and 904 Morrow St. from Family…

Planning Commission approves South Austin condo rezoning

The Planning Commission unanimously approved a rezoning request that paves the way for more condominiums in South Austin at its Tuesday night meeting. Staff recommended the rezoning of a 1.45-acre tract at 219 Lessin Lane, near Ben White Boulevard and…

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